Greater Giving Merchant Services Review

Greater Giving Merchant Services Review 2024

Greater Giving Merchant Services Review 2024

Greater Giving Merchant Services, part of the Global Payments Company, offers extensive fundraising solutions for nonprofit organizations across the nation to support and improve their fundraising efforts. They provide a range of services to handle credit card processing, event management, auction services, etc. The aim of the Greater Giving is to help nonprofits and schools to manage their fundraising activities.

Founded in 2002, Greater Giving was originally called Auctionpay, Inc. Global Payments, a popular payments technology company, acquired Auctionpay. In 2010, the company was rebranded as Greater Giving. With its headquarters in Hillsboro, Oregon, the company is led by the CEO, Jeff Jetton, and General Manager, James Balazs. The company’s mission is to offer user-friendly and effective solutions to make the process seamless to raise more funds. This Greater Giving Merchant Services Review will give more insight about the company and its services.

Products and Services

Products and Services

Greater Giving’s Event Software is an all-encompassing, web-based solution created to oversee every part of event organization and implementation. Important aspects and capabilities include:

Event Software

Greater Giving’s Event Software is a comprehensive, cloud-based solution designed to manage all aspects of event planning and execution. Key features and functionalities include:

  • Cloud-based Event Management: This allows users to access event details from any location, which allows for real-time updates and collaboration among team members.
  • Guest Tracking and Registration: The software simplifies the process of tracking guest attendance and managing registrations, ensuring a smooth check-in experience.
  • Seating Arrangements and Event Reporting: It enables organizers to create and manage seating plans, print bid sheets, and generate detailed reports on event performance.



AuctionPay is a mobile payment processing solution specifically designed for silent and live auctions. It provides several benefits, which includes:

  • Mobile Payment Processing: Allows guests to make payments using mobile devices, enhancing convenience.
  • Benefits for Silent and Live Auctions: Reduces checkout times and streamlines the payment process, making it easier for guests to participate.
  • Integration with Event Software: Seamlessly integrates with Greater Giving’s Event Software, ensuring a cohesive event management experience.

Online Payments

Greater Giving offers versatile online payment solutions that can be customized to fit the needs of different nonprofit organizations. Some of the features include:

  • Setup and Customization: Nonprofits can set up customized donation pages that match their branding.
  • Integration with Nonprofit Websites: The payment solutions can be easily integrated with existing websites, providing a seamless user experience.
  • Text-to-Donate Feature: This feature allows donors to contribute via text message, making the donation process quick and convenient.

Online Bidding

The online bidding feature allows guests to participate in auctions using their mobile devices, which improves the fundraising experience. Some of the key aspects include:

  • Enhancing Mobile Bidding Experience: Provides a user-friendly interface for mobile bidding, increasing participant engagement.
  • Real-time Updates and Live Streaming: Keeps guests informed with real-time bidding updates and live streaming of auction events.

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising

Greater Giving supports peer-to-peer fundraising. This allows nonprofits to use their networks for greater reach. This includes:

  • Creating and Sharing Donation Pages: Nonprofits can create personalized donation pages that supporters can share within their networks.
  • Leveraging Networks for Fundraising: By utilizing peer connections, nonprofits can expand their fundraising efforts and increase donations.

Event Services Packages

Greater Giving offers several event service packages tailored to different needs:

  • Basic, Plus, and Virtual Packages: Each package offers varying levels of support and features to match the specific requirements of the event.
  • Pre-event Support and Setup: Includes assistance with event planning, volunteer training, and data entry.
  • On-site Assistance and Troubleshooting: Professional support staff are available during events to ensure everything runs smoothly, from setup to checkout.

Greater Giving’s products and services are designed to simplify event management and enhance fundraising efforts for nonprofit organizations, making it a valuable tool for maximizing their impact​.

Security Measures | Greater Giving Merchant Services Review

Greater Giving Merchant Services prioritizes the security of donor information and transaction data, implementing robust measures to ensure data safety and integrity.

Encryption and Fraud Prevention Tools: Greater Giving utilizes advanced encryption technologies to secure payment data from the point of entry to the processor. Point-to-point encryption (P2PE) ensures that card information is encrypted immediately at the payment terminal, significantly reducing the risk of data breaches during transmission. Additionally, the company integrates various fraud prevention tools and conducts regular security audits to detect and mitigate potential threats, providing an extra layer of protection for nonprofit organizations and their donors.

Protection of Donor Information: To safeguard donor information, Greater Giving enforces strict access control measures. Access to cardholder data is restricted on a need-to-know basis, authenticated through unique IDs, and protected by robust physical security protocols to prevent unauthorized access. The company also emphasizes monitoring transactions for suspicious activity and ensuring that refunds are processed back to the original payment method to prevent fraudulent claims.

Compliance with PCI Standards: Greater Giving is dedicated to maintaining compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which sets requirements for secure handling of cardholder information. The company undergoes annual audits by PCI-accredited third parties to validate its compliance, achieving PCI Level 1 certification, the highest level of security compliance. This involves regular vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and continuous monitoring of security systems to uphold data integrity.

Greater Giving provides a secure and reliable platform for nonprofits by following stringent security measures. It ensures nonprofits can manage their fundraising activities while also protecting sensitive information of the donors. 

Rates and Contract Terms

Greater Giving Merchant Services offers a pricing model designed to cater to the needs of nonprofit organizations. It makes cost management simple and predictable. The following is a detailed overview of their rated and contract terms:

Pricing Model and Structure:  A flat-rate pricing model is used by Greater Giving to make it easier for nonprofits to understand the transaction costs. The specific rates are shared during direct consultations, as the prices are not mentioned on their website. 

Flat-rate Pricing: The flat-rate structure includes:

  • Swipe Rate: 1.75% to 2.25% for Visa, MasterCard, and Discover.
  • Keyed-in Rate: 3.45% + $0.35 for all card types including American Express, which generally incurs higher fees.

Processing Fees for Different Card Types: Processing fees vary depending on the card type. Transactions with American Express typically have higher rates compared to Visa, MasterCard, and Discover due to the higher processing costs associated with AmEx.

Equipment Lease Terms: Greater Giving offers equipment leasing options for payment processing hardware. The terms for these leases, including cost and duration, are usually detailed in the service agreement. Nonprofits should carefully review these terms to avoid unexpected charges.

Contract Length and Terms: Standard contracts with Greater Giving span from one to five years, often including an automatic renewal clause. Early termination fees are based on liquidated damages, calculated by multiplying the remaining contract duration by the annual costs. This can lead to significant fees if a contract is terminated prematurely.

Free Trial Offers and Benefits: Greater Giving provides a 14-day free trial of their event software, allowing nonprofits to explore its features and evaluate its effectiveness before committing to a long-term contract. This trial period is beneficial for organizations to test the software’s capabilities and determine its fit for their fundraising needs.

Greater Giving’s rates and contract terms are structured to provide a comprehensive yet straightforward solution for nonprofit organizations, ensuring they can manage their fundraising activities efficiently. However, potential clients should ensure they fully understand all terms and conditions to avoid any unforeseen costs.

Sales and Marketing Practices

A variety of sales tactics and marketing channels are used by Greater Giving Merchant Services to reach potential clients, especially nonprofit organizations. This is achieved with the help of independent sales agents and extensive online advertising. 

Sales Tactics and Channels: Greater Giving leverages both direct sales and independent sales agents to market their services. This dual approach allows them to extend their reach and engage with a broader audience. Independent sales agents help the company connect with potential clients through personalized interactions and tailored pitches.

Use of Independent Sales Agents: The use of independent sales agents enables Greater Giving to provide a more localized and personalized sales experience. These agents are instrumental in explaining the company’s offerings and addressing specific needs of nonprofit organizations.

Online Advertising and Marketing Strategies: Greater Giving invests in online advertising to increase visibility and attract potential clients. Their marketing strategies include digital campaigns, social media engagement, and content marketing to highlight the benefits of their services. They also provide educational resources, such as webinars and blogs, to establish authority and trust within the nonprofit sector.

Transparency in Marketing: A key aspect of Greater Giving’s marketing practice is its commitment to transparency. They avoid using deceptive rates and promotions, ensuring that all pricing and service details are clear and upfront. This practice helps build trust and credibility with their clients.

Absence of Deceptive Rates and Promotions: Greater Giving’s website does not feature “teaser” rates or unrealistic promotions. This honesty in advertising is crucial for maintaining client trust and avoiding the pitfalls associated with misleading marketing tactics.

Disclosure of Important Terms: The company is dedicated to disclosing all important terms and conditions related to their services. This includes details about contract lengths, fees, and cancellation policies, ensuring that clients are fully informed before making a commitment. This transparency is a cornerstone of their sales and marketing approach, promoting an ethical business environment.

Customer Support and Resources

Greater Giving Merchant Services offers robust customer support and resources tailored to assist nonprofits effectively. They provide multiple support channels to ensure users can get help whenever needed.

Types of Customer Support: Greater Giving offers customer support through phone, email, and live chat. These options ensure that users can reach out for help in the most convenient way for them. The company maintains a dedicated support number for general inquiries and technical support, ensuring that assistance is readily available.

Phone, Email, and Live Chat Support: Users can contact Greater Giving’s support team via phone for immediate assistance, email for detailed inquiries, and live chat for quick resolutions. This multi-channel support approach helps address various needs efficiently, from technical issues to general questions about services.

Availability of User Guides and Resources: Greater Giving provides extensive user guides and resources through their website. These resources include step-by-step instructions, FAQs, and video tutorials to help users navigate and utilize the platform effectively. The help center is designed to be a comprehensive self-service portal for troubleshooting and learning.

Customer Feedback on Support Quality: The customer feedback is positive about the support quality offered by Greater Giving, thanks to the knowledgeable and responsive support team. However, there are mixed reviews about the software being complex and for the initial training materials to be improved. The positive feedback indicates how helpful and efficient the support team is, while the negative feedback indicates the learning curve associated with the software. 

Positive and Negative Experiences: The positive experiences highlight the commitment of the support team to address and solve issues promptly and effectively, with customers praising the support staff for being helpful and understanding. On the other hand, some users have reported difficulties in using certain features and finding specific information, indicating a need for more intuitive design and comprehensive initial training.

Common Issues and Resolutions: Common issues reported by users include difficulties with setting up events and navigating the software’s features. These issues are typically resolved through detailed guidance from the support team and the use of available resources such as video tutorials and user manuals. The support team at Greater Giving works closely with the users to help them use the platform effectively for their fundraising events.

Overall, Greater Giving’s customer support and resources are designed to help nonprofits maximize the benefits of their services. However, some areas need to be more user-friendly and the training materials can be improved.

Consumer Reviews and Complaints

Overview of Customer Reviews: Greater Giving Merchant Services generally receives positive feedback from its users, particularly nonprofits, for its robust donor management and event planning solutions. However, some customers have expressed concerns regarding certain aspects of their services and contract terms.

Positive Aspects Highlighted by Users: The user-friendly event software and effective fundraising tools have been beneficial for customers in many ways. The ability to handle online payments, manage auctions, and streamline event processes are commonly noted benefits. Users also appreciate the reliable customer support and the comprehensive resources available for training and troubleshooting.

Common Complaints and Issues: There are some common complaints that have been reported despite the positive feedback, such as the lack of transparency in pricing and contract terms. Users have reported difficulties with the learning curve of the software and the complexity of setting up and managing events. Additionally, early termination fees and automatically renewing contracts have been points of contention for some customers.

Analysis of Ratings and Feedback: Overall, Greater Giving holds an “A+” rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB), indicating a high level of trust and satisfaction among users. However, it has received a few complaints regarding the clarity of contract terms and the perceived high costs associated with their services. The reviews in other platforms like PaymentPop and Merchant Alternatives indicate the same, including the strengths and areas to be improved.

BBB Rating and Reviews: The BBB has awarded Greater Giving an “A+” rating, with few formal complaints filed in recent years. This reflects well on their customer service and overall business practices, despite the occasional negative feedback regarding contract specifics and pricing transparency.

Reviews from Other Platforms: On platforms like TrustRadius and PaymentPop, users talk about the effectiveness of the fundraising tools provided by Greater Giving. However, they have also reported issues with the high learning curve and are dissatisfied with the responsiveness of the customer support team during peak times. 

Employee Reviews and Internal Practices: Employee reviews generally reflect a positive work environment at Greater Giving, with many appreciating the mission-driven nature of the company. However, there are mixed reviews regarding the transparency of internal practices and the support provided to staff, particularly in sales roles.

Work Environment and Company Culture: The work environment at Greater Giving is often described as supportive and mission-focused to help nonprofits succeed. Employees generally report job satisfaction. However, some mention the need for better training and clearer communication from management.

Sales Tactics and Job Satisfaction: Greater Giving employs a combination of in-house sales teams and independent sales agents. The reviews show that even though the sales tactics are straightforward, the transparency and support for sales personnel need to be improved. Job satisfaction among employees tends to be high, as many are happy with the opportunity to contribute to meaningful causes.

Competitor Comparison

Compared to other merchant service providers, there are many key differences in the features and pricing ranges offered. The strengths and weaknesses of competitors like Blackbaud eTapestry, Auctria, and ClickBid vary despite their similar event management and fundraising solutions.

Key Differences in Features and Pricing: Greater Giving offers comprehensive event software and mobile payment solutions, often praised for their ease of use and robust support. However, it faces competition from platforms like Auctria, which is noted for its superior customer support and user-friendly interface. ClickBid, another competitor, offers similar features but often at a lower cost, appealing to budget-conscious nonprofits.

Strengths and Weaknesses Relative to Competitors: Greater Giving’s strengths lie in its integrated event management tools and reliable customer service. However, its pricing can be higher, and some users find the software complex to navigate. In contrast, Auctria and ClickBid offer more intuitive interfaces and competitive pricing, though they may lack some of the advanced features that Greater Giving provides.

Alternative Solutions and Their Offerings: Alternatives like OneCause and GiveSmart also offer strong competition, providing similar event management and online bidding capabilities. These platforms often emphasize ease of use and comprehensive support, making them attractive options for nonprofits looking for streamlined, cost-effective solutions.

Each of these competitors presents unique advantages, allowing nonprofits to choose based on their specific needs and budget constraints.


Greater Giving Merchant Services provides a wide range of tools for managing nonprofit events and raising funds. The main advantages are strong software and great customer support, but prices may be higher than rivals. In general, it offers substantial benefits for non-profit organizations seeking to simplify their tasks and improve their fundraising initiatives. Potential customers need to take into account their individual requirements and financial constraints.

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