union pos

Union POS Review: Complaints, Lawsuits, Fees and Rates [2024 Update]

Union POS Review

Union POS is a subsidiary of ATX Innovation. It is a major player in the point-of-sale (POS) industry and caters to high-volume bars and restaurants. This POS system for iPads combines hardware and software to offer a smooth and effective transaction process for hospitality businesses.

The primary focus of Union POS is to enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction in busy hospitality environments. It achieves this through features such as lightning-fast transaction processing, robust tab management, and comprehensive customer data management. The system can open and close tabs in just 2.5 seconds, significantly reducing wait times and improving the overall customer experience.

Union POS is distinct for providing merchant accounts and payment processing services, allowing businesses to handle transactions and finances on one platform. This integration streamlines operations and guarantees seamless payment procedures, whether utilizing credit cards, debit cards, mobile payments, or gift cards.

Designed with the unique needs of bars and restaurants in mind, Union POS supports high-volume service environments by offering tools like real-time inventory management, personalized customer engagement, and detailed sales analytics. These features help businesses optimize their operations, enhance customer loyalty, and make informed decisions based on data-driven insights.

Union POS remains a top choice for hospitality venues seeking to enhance service quality by streamlining operations through its emphasis on speed, efficiency, and comprehensive data management.

Key Features of Union POS

Key Features of Union POS

Union POS provides a variety of functions tailored to simplify operations and boost efficiency for busy bars and restaurants. Here is a detailed examination of a few of its main characteristics.

Transaction Processing Speed: Union POS is renowned for its rapid transaction processing speed, allowing businesses to open and close tabs in just 2.5 seconds. This swift processing time significantly reduces wait times, enhancing the overall customer experience and increasing operational efficiency. Faster transactions mean that staff can serve more customers quickly, which is crucial during peak hours.

Hardware and Software Integration: Union POS is a system based on iPad that smoothly combines both hardware and software. This arrangement turns iPads into efficient POS terminals, guaranteeing user-friendly operation and fast installation. The user-friendly interface enables employees to quickly grasp the system, which is especially advantageous for new employees. The system’s reliance on the cloud means that data is always kept current and can be accessed from any location, offering both flexibility and dependability.

Payment Options: Union POS supports a wide range of payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, mobile payments, and gift cards. This versatility ensures that businesses can cater to diverse customer preferences, offering convenience and flexibility at checkout. Supporting multiple payment options helps in accommodating various customer needs, enhancing satisfaction and potentially increasing sales.

Tab Management: Efficient tab management is a standout feature of Union POS. The system allows for quick and easy opening and closing of tabs, supporting over 1,000 tabs with no lag time. This feature is particularly beneficial for bars and restaurants where customers frequently open and close tabs, as it helps to streamline the process and reduce errors.

Customer Data Management: Union POS excels in managing customer data, storing valuable information such as preferences, past orders, and contact details. This data allows businesses to offer personalized services, making it easier to recall customer favorites and streamline reordering processes. Effective customer data management can enhance customer loyalty and improve service quality.

Reporting and Analytics: Union POS provides robust reporting and analytics tools, offering customizable reports that help businesses track performance metrics, analyze sales data, and gain insights into customer behavior. These data-driven insights enable businesses to identify trends, make informed decisions, and develop strategies to drive growth and profitability.

Union POS provides a holistic solution that boosts efficiency, enhances customer service, and fosters business expansion for busy hospitality establishments.

Pricing and Fees of Union POS

Union POS offers various pricing and fees to cater to the needs of high-volume bars and restaurants. Here is a detailed breakdown of its fee structures and additional charges.

Monthly and Annual Fees: Union POS employs a transparent and competitive pricing structure, primarily using an interchange-plus model. The monthly fees typically range from $49 to $69, although the exact amount can vary based on specific business needs and usage. This model guarantees that businesses will only be charged the exact interchange fee established by card networks plus a consistent markup, offering clear and predictable cost structure. Compared to other POS systems like Square and Lightspeed, Union POS offers competitive pricing that can be more cost-effective for high-volume operations.

Interchange-Plus Pricing Model: The interchange-plus pricing model used by Union POS is celebrated for its transparency and cost-effectiveness. This model charges merchants the actual interchange fee determined by card networks plus a small, fixed markup. This method gets rid of the hidden charges commonly present in tiered pricing structures, enabling businesses to clearly know what they are being charged for. The transparency of this model helps businesses better manage their expenses and maintain profitability.

Additional Fees: In addition to the standard monthly fees, Union POS also offers equipment leasing options. While the system does not typically include setup fees, businesses should be aware of potential additional charges such as early termination fees and PCI compliance fees. These costs can vary, so it is important for businesses to review their contract terms carefully to understand any extra expenses that may apply.

In general, Union POS’s pricing plan is created to be transparent and easy to understand, making it a dependable option for businesses seeking to effectively handle their point-of-sale activities.

Contract Terms

The flexible contract terms of Union POS cater to high-volume bars and restaurants with monthly or annual contracts, allowing them to choose the contract duration based on their needs. It gives them the chance to adjust their contract terms depending on the seasonal demands and long-term commitments.

Early Termination Fees: Union POS does have early termination fees, which can be a consideration for businesses looking to switch providers before the end of their contract term. The specifics of these fees depend on the remaining duration of the contract and other terms agreed upon during the signing of the contract. Businesses should carefully review their agreements to understand the potential costs associated with early termination.

Renewal and Cancellation Policies: Union POS follows an automatic renewal policy unless a notice of cancellation is provided. Businesses need to provide a written notice within a specific period before their current terms ends, commonly 30 days, to cancel a contract. If they fail to do so, it gets automatically renewed with the associated charges. It’s necessary for businesses to understand these policies and plan ahead to avoid unnecessary fees.

User Experience of Union POS

Union POS aims to provide a seamless and efficient user experience tailored to the needs of high-volume bars and restaurants. Below is an overview of its ease of use, customization options, and mobile app features.

Ease of Use: Union POS is user-friendly with an intuitive interface, which helps minimize the learning curve for new users.  The iPad-based system ensures that staff can quickly become proficient with minimal training. The simplified navigation and clear design enable stress-free daily use, even during peak hours and high-pressure situations. It allows staff to focus more on serving customers rather than managing the system.

Customization: Union POS provides extensive customization features to meet specific business needs. Users can tailor menus, pricing, and inventory settings to align with their operational requirements. This flexibility allows businesses to create a POS system that fits their unique workflow. User feedback highlights the ease of customization and the system’s ability to adapt to various business models, enhancing overall efficiency and effectiveness.

Mobile App: The Union POS mobile app enhances functionality by allowing customers to browse menus, order drinks, and pay directly from their smartphones. This integration ensures a seamless connection between the mobile app and the main POS system. It helps improve the overall customer experience. The app’s features include loyalty rewards and real-time order tracking, which contribute to increased customer satisfaction and engagement.

Customer Support

Union POS provides robust customer support designed to ensure businesses can operate smoothly and efficiently. Here’s an overview of the customer support services offered by Union POS:

24/7 Support: Union POS provides round-the-clock support to users, allowing businesses to reach out for help whenever needed. Their 24/7 customer support is available via phone, text, and email. The constant availability is crucial for businesses that operate outside of traditional business hours, especially high-volume bars and restaurants. The support team is responsive, quick, and effective in resolving issues. It helps minimize downtime and maintain efficiency.

Installation and Setup Assistance: Union POS offers comprehensive support during the installation and setup process. They provide on-site assistance to ensure that the system is correctly installed and configured to meet the specific needs of the business. This hands-on support includes training sessions for staff to ensure they are comfortable and proficient in using the system. Additionally, Union POS assigns a dedicated account manager to each customer, who is available for periodic check-ins and ongoing support, further ensuring that the system continues to meet the evolving needs of the business.

With these robust support features, Union POS ensures that businesses can rely on their POS system to function optimally, backed by responsive and knowledgeable customer service.

Pros and Cons of Union POS


  • Transaction Speed and Efficiency: Union POS stands out for its impressive transaction speed and efficiency. Users appreciate the system’s ability to open and close tabs in just 2.5 seconds, which significantly reduces wait times and enhances customer service.
  • Intuitive Interface: The intuitive interface of the iPad-based system ensures that staff can quickly learn and operate the POS, which is crucial for high-turnover environments.
  • Transparent Pricing Model: Another major advantage is the interchange-plus pricing model. This transparent pricing structure allows businesses to understand the exact costs associated with each transaction, avoiding hidden fees and providing a cost-effective solution.
  • Robust Customer Data Management: Additionally, Union POS offers robust customer data management, enabling personalized service by storing customer preferences and order history. This feature helps in building customer loyalty and improving service quality.


  • Technical Issues: Users have reported occasional technical glitches and hardware issues, which can disrupt service during peak times.
  • Sector Limitations: While highly effective for bars and restaurants, Union POS may not fully meet the needs of retail businesses or other sectors outside the hospitality industry.
  • Fee Transparency: There is a lack of transparency regarding additional fees such as early termination fees and equipment leasing costs.
  • Customer Support: Although available 24/7, customer support can sometimes be slow to respond during high-demand periods.

Union POS offers many powerful features tailored to its target market. However, there are some aspects that could be improved for better reliability and expand its applicability.

User Reviews and Testimonials

Union POS has received mixed reviews from its users, highlighting both its strengths and areas for improvement.

Positive Feedback: Users have appreciated the user-friendly interface and efficient transaction processing of Union POS. The system can open and close tabs in 2.5 seconds, a significant advantage for high-volume environments. Many users find that intuitive design has reduced the learning curve for new users and allows staff to adapt to using the system easily with minimal training. The 24/7 customer support has received positive feedback for being responsive and helpful with prompt resolution of issues. Users found that the customer data management and reporting features helped businesses personalize services and make well-informed decisions. 

Negative Feedback: There have been a few complaints, despite the positive aspects. Some users reported technical issues with hardware and occasional glitches affecting service during busy periods. Other users found that the 24/7 customer support can be slow to respond during high-demand times. Concerns have been raised about lack of transparency about the additional fees — early termination and equipment leasing costs. Another criticism is the limited versatility for different operations, as the system cannot meet the needs of businesses outside the hospitality sector.

Overall, while Union POS is highly effective for its target market of bars and restaurants, there are areas that could benefit from further refinement to enhance its reliability and transparency.

Comparisons with Competitors

When evaluating Union POS against other point-of-sale systems, several key differences and similarities emerge, highlighting its unique strengths and potential weaknesses.

Comparison with Other POS Systems: Union POS is particularly designed for high-volume bars and restaurants, which sets it apart from many other POS systems that cater to a broader range of business types. Similar to systems like Toast POS and TouchBistro, Union POS offers an intuitive iPad-based interface that simplifies user training and daily operations. However, Union POS’s rapid transaction processing time of 2.5 seconds is a standout feature that enhances efficiency in high-traffic environments.

Strengths: One of Union POS’s primary strengths is its interchange-plus pricing model, which offers transparent and competitive pricing, avoiding hidden fees often found in tiered pricing models. This clarity is a significant advantage for businesses looking to manage their costs effectively. Additionally, the system’s robust customer data management capabilities allow for personalized service, which can help build customer loyalty.

Compared to competitors like Square POS, which offers a free basic plan, Union POS might seem pricier, but its specialized features for bars and restaurants justify the cost for those specific environments. Unlike Shopify POS, which excels in multichannel and international sales, Union POS is more focused on in-house service efficiency and customer experience.

Weaknesses: Despite its strengths, Union POS has some areas for improvement. While it excels in the hospitality sector, it may not meet the needs of retail businesses or other non-hospitality industries as effectively. Some users have reported occasional technical issues and hardware glitches, which can be disruptive during peak service times. Additionally, the transparency around additional fees, such as early termination and equipment leasing costs, could be improved.

In comparison, Toast POS offers a more versatile solution for midsize and multi-location restaurants, and its extensive feature set makes it a strong competitor. Systems like Lightspeed Restaurant and Clover POS also provide comprehensive all-in-one solutions that cater to a variety of business needs beyond the hospitality sector, which Union POS may lack.

Overall, while Union POS is a powerful tool for its intended market, businesses should carefully consider their specific needs and compare these with the capabilities and costs of other leading POS systems before making a decision.


Union POS is known for providing rapid transaction processing, a user-friendly interface, and effective customer data management. It is an ideal choice for high-volume bars and restaurants. This iPad-based system is a strong player in the POS market with the benefits of specialized features, transparent pricing, etc., despite its technical issues.

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