how to fight chargebacks and win

How to Fight Chargebacks and Win

Dealing with chargebacks stemming from fraudulent customers can be incredibly frustrating for businesses as it not only results in financial losses but can also harm their reputation. To successfully fight chargebacks, you need to understand the process and how it works thoroughly. This includes researching the relevant codes and gathering strong evidence to support your case.

Additionally, crafting a persuasive rebuttal letter outlining your collected evidence is crucial to winning a chargeback dispute. Although the process might appear complicated, this article aims to make it easier to understand and offers advice on how your company can successfully dispute chargebacks and prevail.

What is a Chargeback?

When a customer contacts their credit card company to request a reversal of a charge. The origins of chargebacks can be traced back to the need for consumer protection against credit card fraud and theft. However, over time, chargebacks have evolved beyond just protecting consumers and have become a tool that some customers use to commit fraud and theft against merchants.

A chargeback differs from a refund in that the customer initiates it through a dispute. In contrast, a refund is a mutual agreement between the merchant and the customer, usually involving a merchandise return. A chargeback can cause a reversal, meaning the transaction amount is taken from the merchant’s account and back to the customer’s credit card.

If a merchant does not respond to the chargeback, then the sale is effectively canceled, and the customer will get the money back and the service or product they received. To avoid this outcome, merchants must file a counterclaim and provide proof that their customer approved their transaction.

What is the Cost of the Chargeback?

Not only can chargebacks lead to financial losses for a merchant, such as the cost of inventory sold and the sale, but they can also incur additional expenses like fees and penalties from processors. Furthermore, merchants may have to spend considerable time and resources trying to resolve disputed charges.

It’s worth noting that businesses with high chargeback rates, usually more than 1%, may have difficulty obtaining or maintaining a merchant account and may even be put on the MATCH list, a database that tracks high-risk merchants.

How Can You Fight Chargebacks?

accepting payments

Collect Transaction Records

When a customer refuses to accept a refund or a merchant wants to dispute a chargeback, they need to provide evidence to contest the customer’s claim. This evidence typically includes transaction and delivery documentation such as delivery or pickup notifications, signed receipts, communication between the merchant and customer, customer’s IP address and download date and time (if it’s a digital service), proof of customer’s residence or work address at the delivery address, evidence that someone related to the customer could have purchased with the customer’s card, and proof that the customer has previously used the same transaction information for undisputed purchases,

Luckily, this kind of information can be stored digitally with the advancement of technology. Keeping organized records and ensuring that you have all the necessary evidence.

Take swift action

When facing a chargeback, You need to respond quickly and efficiently to present a strong case. This process involves multiple levels of review and scrutiny by various parties. That’s why it is essential to have all evidence ready and explained clearly and urgently.

First and foremost, be aware of all deadlines and keep track of them, as they may differ. Creating a spreadsheet or scheduling notifications in a digital calendar can help. Additionally, Ensure all documentation is formatted correctly, saved in the appropriate file types, and sent through the correct channels.

To make the process more manageable, preparing a chargeback response can be helpful. This template should include general information such as your business’s return policy, delivery schedule, terms of use, and other contracts or agreements relevant to all chargeback cases. It will save time and effort in the long run, as you won’t need to learn the process again every time a chargeback occurs.

Sort out customer service complaints

Effective customer service can play a crucial role in resolving or preventing chargebacks. These disputes are often triggered when customers cannot obtain a refund through a merchant’s customer service department.

By prominently displaying customer support contact information and making refund policies easily accessible, merchants can discourage buyers from pursuing chargebacks and encourage them to consider other options.

When a chargeback is initiated, merchants generally have a limited time to dispute it through established channels, such as 7-10 days via MasterCard or 30 days via Visa. During this period, it can be beneficial to reach out to the customer and inquire about the reason for the dispute. Customers will redo chargebacks, so a timely and genuine response from the merchant may convince them to abandon their claim.

If the customer’s complaint is valid, the best action is to issue a refund promptly rather than contesting the chargeback. If a refund is deemed unnecessary, this exchange can explain why the customer wanted to initiate a chargeback instead of requesting a refund.

When deciding whether to issue a refund or contest a chargeback, evaluating the chances of winning the dispute is essential. If the merchant has solid documentation, the time and resources to challenge the chargeback, and confidence in their chances of winning, they should submit a counterclaim.

Using Technology to Fight Chargebacks

Technology can be a powerful tool in the fight against chargebacks. Various software and tools are available to help businesses track, manage, and prevent chargebacks.

One such tool is chargeback management software. This software allows businesses to keep track of chargebacks, analyze chargeback data, and prepare evidence for the chargeback process. Additionally, it can provide alerts when new chargebacks are requested, so businesses can quickly respond to them.

Another technology that can be used to fight chargebacks is a chargeback alert system. This system can monitor suspicious activity, such as multiple chargebacks from the same customer, and notify the merchant of potential fraud.

Data analytics can also be used to identify patterns and trends in chargebacks. By analyzing chargeback data, businesses can determine which products or services are most susceptible to chargebacks and take preventative action to reduce the likelihood of future chargebacks.

By utilizing technology, businesses can better understand their chargeback issues and take practical actions to prevent them.

Working with Banks and Payment Processors

Working effectively with banks and payment processors can be critical in fighting chargebacks. This can include negotiating chargeback fees and related costs and working with banks and processors to improve fraud prevention measures.

Businesses can also negotiate with banks and processors to establish a process for appealing chargebacks that are determined to be unjustified. This can include providing additional evidence or requesting a review by a higher authority.


Chargebacks can be a significant financial burden for businesses, but some steps can be taken to fight and win. This includes understanding the chargeback process, identifying and preventing fraudulent chargebacks, building strong customer relationships, using technology to fight chargebacks, working with banks and payment processors, and appealing chargebacks that are determined to be unjustified. By implementing these strategies, businesses can reduce the number of chargebacks they receive and improve their bottom line.

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