American Merchants Inc: Complaints, Lawsuits, Fees, and Rates

American Merchants Inc: Complaints, Lawsuits, Fees, and Rates

American Merchants Inc. plays a crucial role in the payment processing sector by offering various services to help businesses conduct smooth financial transactions. This review explores the company’s history, products, and partnerships.

American Merchants Inc: Complaints, Lawsuits, Fees, and Rates

American Merchants Inc is renowned for its comprehensive suite of merchant services, which include credit card processing, electronic check handling, and various other payment options. AMI caters to a diverse clientele and has become a reliable partner for businesses to simplify payment processes.

Founded to address the growing need for efficient payment processing solutions, AMI has evolved over the years to become a leader in the industry. The company’s history is marked by a commitment to innovation and customer service, helping it to build a strong reputation among its clients.

American Merchants Inc is a registered Independent Sales Organization (ISO) of several major financial institutions, including Wells Fargo Bank, NA, Concord, CA, Fifth Third Bank, NA, Cincinnati, OH, and Elavon, Inc., a subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp. These affiliations underscore AMI’s credibility and its ability to offer secure and reliable services.

AMI’s mission is to provide secure and efficient payment processing solutions for businesses. The company imagines a future where businesses of all sizes can access advanced financial technologies to improve their operations and customer satisfaction. This drives the company to expand and enhance its service offerings. 

Services Offered by American Merchants Inc.

Services Offered by American Merchants Inc.

American Merchants Inc. offers a wide variety of services to cater to the varied requirements of companies. Their services guarantee that merchants can effectively handle transactions and simplify their financial processes.

Merchant Accounts:  AMI offers various types of merchant accounts for different business needs. These accounts are designed to accommodate small businesses, e-commerce platforms, hotels, motels, gas stations, restaurants, and more. Businesses can use the customization options of each merchant account to suit the required features for their operational needs. This flexibility ensures that businesses can optimize their payment processes, improve customer experiences, and enhance financial management.

Payment Processing Solutions:  AMI’s payment processing solutions are robust and versatile. They offer virtual terminals that allow businesses to process payments securely through a web-based interface, making it ideal for remote transactions. Payment gateways provided by AMI facilitate secure online payments, integrating seamlessly with e-commerce websites to offer a smooth checkout experience.

Point-of-Sale (POS) systems offered by American Merchants Inc are designed to streamline in-store transactions. These systems are equipped with advanced features to manage sales, track inventory, and process payments efficiently. Mobile processing solutions enable businesses to accept payments on-the-go, using mobile devices to ensure flexibility and convenience. Additionally, AMI ensures that all their payment processing solutions adhere to tokenization and PCI compliance standards, enhancing security and protecting sensitive customer data.

High-Risk Merchant Services:  AMI also caters to high-risk businesses that typically face challenges in securing reliable payment processing services. These non-traditional businesses benefit from AMI’s specialized services that offer secure and efficient payment solutions. However, working with high-risk merchants comes with its own set of challenges, including higher fees and stringent compliance requirements. Despite these challenges, AMI’s expertise in this area ensures that high-risk businesses can operate smoothly and securely.

Equipment and Technology:  American Merchants Inc provides a wide range of equipment to support their payment processing services. This includes state-of-the-art POS systems, credit card terminals, mobile payment devices, and more. These equipment options are designed to integrate seamlessly with existing business operations, ensuring that merchants can quickly adopt and benefit from new technologies. The integration of these advanced tools helps businesses to enhance their operational efficiency, improve customer service, and secure payment data effectively.

Pricing and Fees

Pricing and Fees

American Merchants Inc. (AMI) provides a competitive and flexible pricing structure to meet the needs of different businesses. However, it is necessary for businesses to understand the specifics of their pricing to make informed decisions.

AMI’s pricing is customized based on the type of business and transaction volume. Generally, their pricing includes transaction fees, monthly fees, and various ancillary charges. For instance, transaction fees might range from 1.89% to 2.9% plus $0.10 to $0.30 per transaction, depending on the business type and card type used. Monthly fees for maintaining the merchant account and accessing customer support can range from $10 to $30. Additionally, PCI compliance fees, which are essential for maintaining data security, might cost around $100 annually.

Detailed Analysis of Costs for Different Services

  1. Virtual Terminals and Payment Gateways: These services typically come with a transaction fee and a monthly fee. For example, a virtual terminal might have a transaction fee of 2.9% + $0.30 and a monthly gateway fee of $25.
  2. Point-of-Sale Systems: When purchased outright, POS systems typically have a substantial initial cost, typically ranging from $500 to $1,500 depending on the complexity and features included. If you choose to rent, you can spread the cost over several years, amounting to around $40 to $60 each month.
  3. Mobile Processing: Mobile payment solutions usually have transaction fees similar to virtual terminals but may include additional monthly charges for the mobile app, which could range from $10 to $20.
  4. Tokenization and PCI Compliance: Implementing tokenization and maintaining PCI compliance for data security typically incurs added costs ranging from $100 to $200 annually.

Discussion on Equipment Lease Policies 

AMI’s equipment leasing policies, in collaboration with First Data Global Leasing, are something that needs to be carefully analyzed. These leases are commonly extended for a lengthy period (usually ranging from three to five years) and cannot be canceled. Leasing a credit card terminal at $40 per month for four years means spending $1,920, much more than buying it outright for about $500.

Recommendations for Avoiding Hidden Fees 

To avoid hidden fees, businesses should:

  • Request a detailed breakdown of all charges before signing a contract.
  • Look out for early termination fees, which can range from $200 to $500.
  • Avoid long-term equipment leases by purchasing equipment outright if feasible.
  • Regularly audit merchant account statements to identify any unexpected charges.
  • Consider engaging a third-party service to review statements and negotiate terms.

By understanding the detailed pricing structure and being proactive about contract terms, businesses can better manage costs and maximize the benefits of AMI’s services.

Customer Support

Customer Support

American Merchants Inc places a strong emphasis on providing comprehensive customer support to ensure smooth and efficient payment processing for businesses. This commitment to support is a cornerstone of their service offerings, designed to address the diverse needs of their clients.

Description of Support Services Offered:  American Merchants Inc offers various support services to help merchants manage their payment processing needs. These services include technical support for payment gateways and POS systems, assistance with account setup and configuration, and ongoing troubleshooting. AMI’s support team handles inquiries about transaction issues, equipment malfunctions, and software integration for uninterrupted business operations. 

Availability and Accessibility of Support:  The availability and accessibility of AMI’s customer support are critical factors that contribute to their reputation. AMI provides multiple channels for customer support, including phone support, email, and live chat. Their support services are typically available 24/7, ensuring that merchants can get assistance whenever they need it. This round-the-clock availability is particularly beneficial for businesses that operate outside of regular business hours or have urgent issues that require immediate resolution.

Merchant Program Guides and PCI Self-Assessment Tools:  American Merchants Inc provides detailed merchant program guides on a wide range of topics to support their clients. It includes information about setting up and usage of their payment processing systems, best practices for managing transactions, and tips for optimizing payment operations. These user-friendly guides provide step-by-step instructions for merchants to understand the payment processing processes better. 

AMI offers PCI self-assessment tools alongside program guides, aiding merchants in maintaining compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards. These tools are essential in ensuring the security of cardholder data and defending businesses from potential breaches and fraud. AMI helps merchants understand and implement crucial security measures, ultimately reducing the risk of data breaches and enhancing overall payment security.

Contract Terms

AMI offers a variety of contract terms designed to meet the diverse needs of their merchant clients. It is crucial for businesses to understand these contract terms to make a well-informed decision and avoid any issues. 

AMI’s standard contract terms typically include agreements related to the use of their payment processing services and equipment. These contracts often detail the pricing structure, transaction fees, monthly fees, and any additional charges. The terms also outline the responsibilities of both the merchant and AMI, including compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) and maintaining secure transaction practices.

Early Termination Fees (ETFs):  A significant aspect of AMI’s contract terms is the presence of early termination fees (ETFs). If a merchant decides to terminate their contract before the agreed-upon end date, they may incur a fee. This fee can vary but often ranges from $200 to $500, depending on the specific terms outlined in the contract. It’s crucial for merchants to thoroughly review the ETF clause to understand the financial implications of ending the contract early.

Lease Agreements for Equipment:  AMI offers equipment lease agreements for businesses that require POS systems, credit card terminals, and other payment processing hardware. Usually, these rental contracts last a considerable amount of time, usually lasting between three to five years. Typically, the lease agreements cannot be canceled, so merchants must keep making payments for the entire lease period, even if they stop using the equipment or change providers. Leasing costs can range from $40 to $60 per month, depending on the equipment.

Duration and Flexibility of Contracts:  The duration of AMI’s contracts varies but generally spans from one to three years. While these contracts provide some stability, the flexibility for merchants can be limited due to the binding nature of the agreements and the early termination fees. Yet AMI could potentially provide opportunities for reevaluating terms or enhancing services while the contract is in effect, allowing for some degree of flexibility.

In conclusion, although American Merchants Inc. offers thorough services with specific contract terms, it is essential for businesses to thoroughly examine these terms, particularly in relation to early termination charges and equipment rental agreements. Comprehending the complete extent of the contract length and adaptability can enable merchants to make well-informed choices and efficiently handle their payment processing.

Sales Tactics and Transparency

AMI employs a variety of marketing strategies to attract and retain clients. These strategies, along with their rate quoting practices and transparency in terms and conditions, play a crucial role in shaping their reputation in the merchant services industry.

Marketing Strategies Used by AMI:  AMI utilizes traditional advertising and strategic partnerships to promote their services. They concentrate on showcasing their wide range of payment processing options, competitive rates, and excellent customer service. Their marketing materials frequently highlight the safety and effectiveness of their services, with the goal of reassuring potential clients about their dependability and skill. Additionally, AMI leverages online presence through their website, providing detailed information about their services and encouraging potential clients to reach out for personalized consultations.

Analysis of Rate Quoting Practices:  One area where AMI has received mixed feedback is their rate quoting practices. Their website often advertises rates as low as 1.89%, which can attract cost-conscious businesses. Nevertheless, these statements can be deceptive without a complete explanation, since real rates could change depending on transaction volume, type of business, and other variables. This behavior may cause potential clients to have unrealistic expectations, as they may not grasp the intricacies of the rate structure. It’s essential for businesses to request a detailed breakdown of all applicable fees and charges to avoid surprises.

Transparency in Terms and Conditions: Transparency is a critical factor in evaluating any merchant services provider. AMI generally provides comprehensive terms and conditions, outlining various fees, contractual obligations, and service details. However, potential clients should scrutinize these documents carefully, paying close attention to sections on early termination fees, equipment lease terms, and any additional charges. While AMI strives to maintain transparency, the complexity of payment processing agreements means that some details might not be immediately apparent without careful review.

Customer Advisory on Contract Scrutiny:  For businesses considering AMI’s services, it is advisable to undertake a thorough review of the contract before signing. Key areas to focus on include the duration of the contract, early termination fees, and the specifics of any equipment lease agreements. Engaging a third-party auditor or consultant to review the contract can be beneficial in identifying hidden fees or unfavorable terms. Additionally, businesses should not hesitate to ask AMI representatives for clarifications on any ambiguous clauses.

In summary, while American Merchants Inc. employs effective marketing strategies and provides detailed terms and conditions, potential clients must exercise due diligence in understanding the full scope of their agreements. By doing so, businesses can ensure they make informed decisions and maximize the benefits of AMI’s services.

Reputation and Customer Feedback

American Merchants Inc. (AMI) has become  a reliable provider of payment processing services. The customer feedback has played a major part in contributing to its public image. The reviews from various sources include positive experiences and areas for improvement. 

AMI receives mixed reviews from its customers. The positive feedback mentions the company’s offerings, competitive pricing, and prompt and efficient customer service. Many businesses are appreciative of the various payment solutions tailored for different industries and business sizes. However, customers have also shared their concerns about pricing transparency and contract terms, especially about the hidden fees and long-term leases for equipment.

Analysis of Complaint Records on Consumer Protection Platforms 

Consumer protection platforms, such as the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and other review sites, show a relatively clean complaint record for AMI. Complaints that do arise typically focus on billing issues, unclear contract terms, and difficulties with early termination fees. AMI has made efforts to address these complaints promptly, which contributes to maintaining a decent overall rating on these platforms.

Discussion on Reliability and Trustworthiness 

Despite some negative feedback, AMI is generally considered a reliable and trustworthy provider. Their affiliations with major financial institutions like Wells Fargo and Fifth Third Bank lend credibility to their operations. Furthermore, the company’s commitment to security and compliance with PCI standards demonstrates their dedication to protecting customer data. While potential clients should carefully review contract terms and pricing details, AMI’s proactive customer support and comprehensive service offerings solidify their reputation as a dependable choice for payment processing needs.

Pros and Cons

AMI offers a variety of benefits and challenges for businesses considering their services. Here’s a balanced look at the pros and cons:


  • Wide Range of Services and Solutions: AMI provides an extensive suite of payment processing solutions tailored to meet the needs of different business types, including virtual terminals, payment gateways, POS systems, and mobile processing. This flexibility ensures that businesses can find the right tools to fit their specific requirements.
  • Strong Security Measures and PCI Compliance: AMI places a high priority on data security. Their services are PCI compliant, which means they adhere to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards, ensuring that customer data is protected against breaches and fraud.
  • Reliable Customer Support and Resources: AMI offers robust customer support through multiple channels, including phone, email, and live chat. They provide detailed merchant program guides and PCI self-assessment tools to help businesses stay compliant and manage their payment processes efficiently.


  • Lack of Transparency in Pricing for Some Services: One of the main drawbacks reported by customers is the lack of clear pricing information for certain services like virtual terminals and payment gateways. This can lead to unexpected costs and budgeting challenges.
  • Potentially Misleading Rate Quotes: AMI’s advertised rates, such as those as low as 1.89%, can be misleading if not fully explained. The actual rates may vary based on transaction volume and business type, which can result in higher-than-expected fees.
  • Long-Term Equipment Lease Agreements May Not Be Ideal for All Businesses: AMI’s equipment lease agreements are often long-term and non-cancellable, which might not be suitable for all businesses. Leasing costs can add up over time, making it more economical for some businesses to purchase equipment outright instead.

In summary, while AMI offers comprehensive and secure payment processing solutions with strong customer support, businesses should carefully review pricing details and contract terms to avoid potential pitfalls.


AMI offers a wide range of secure and reliable payment processing services. It offers strong customer support and follows the compliance standards of the industry. However, there is room for improvement in areas of transparent pricing and long-term equipment leasing. Despite these issues, AMI is a solid choice for businesses that require comprehensive payment solutions. Potential clients must review the contract terms carefully. 

Frequently Asked Questions about American Merchants Inc.

What types of businesses can benefit from American Merchants Inc.’s services?

American Merchants Inc. caters to a diverse range of businesses, including retail stores, restaurants, e-commerce platforms, high-risk merchants, and more. They provide tailored payment processing solutions to meet the unique needs of each industry.

How does American Merchants Inc. ensure the security of transactions?

American Merchants Inc. prioritizes security by adhering to PCI compliance standards and utilizing advanced encryption protocols. This ensures that sensitive customer data is protected against breaches and fraud during transactions.

What are the main features of American Merchants Inc.’s Point-of-Sale (POS) systems?

American Merchants Inc.’s POS systems offer features such as real-time inventory management, mobile payment processing, advanced reporting, and seamless integration with over 600 existing systems. These features help streamline business operations and enhance transaction efficiency.

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