first data review

First Data Review: Rates, Fees, Complaints, and Lawsuits

First Data Review: Rates, Fees, Complaints, and Lawsuits

First Data is one of the world’s largest payment technology solutions providers, offering solutions to merchants, banks, and their clients. Since 2019, First Data has been part of Fiserv, widened its geography, and offered new opportunities in the financial services sphere. The company operates in over 100 countries; currently, it processes over 2800 transactions per second and provides services to millions of businesses.

Notably, First Data is a key player in the financial services industry. It has a prominent function in facilitating payment, fraud identification, and data safety. Through products such as point of sale, e-commerce solutions, and mobile payment solutions, First Data customers experience improved business processes. They must provide services for such methods and be ready to cover modern platform types, always staying in trend.

As a result, this review aims to present an overview of First Data’s products and services line, the firm’s influence on the financial services industry, and its role in shaping progress payment solutions. This First Data Review will show how First Data’s technologies and services improve the transactions of business entities and consumers during their financial activities due to the efficiency and reliability it brings in handling the said transactions. 

Company Background

First Data was established in 1971 as First Data Resources, a non-profit creditor offering member bank credit card processing facilities. It was in 1980 turned into for profit company by American Express Information Services Corporation and became a public company and split from American Express in 1992. The company has sought its international outreach with an operating presence in 34 countries and enabling millions of merchant outlets.

 It has to be noted that First Data embraces a broad spectrum of services; they are involved in merchant processing services, credit and debit card services, e-commerce, mobile payment, and anti-fraud services. Some of them are the STAR Network for debit card transactions and the Clover point of sale system.

Our services optimize payment procedures for organizations of all sizes, improving efficiency and security.

The company’s main markets include the US, Europe, Latin America, and Asia. It serves small and medium-sized companies, major organizations, financial institutions, and government entities. First Data helps the financial ecosystem run smoothly across different channels by providing strong and innovative payment solutions.

Products and Services | First Data Review 2024

Products and Services | First Data Review 2024

First Data offers businesses various products and services developed to help them process their payments efficiently and safely.

Merchant Services

First Data is an end-to-end merchant services provider that enables card payments; it helps a business accept payments from all major cards worldwide. The company’s cutting-edge point-of-sale systems—like Clover—are designed to provide enterprises with robust in-store payment processing, inventory management, and customer engagement. Mobile payment solutions allow merchants to accept payments via smartphones and tablets, enhancing flexibility and convenience for businesses and customers.

eCommerce Solutions

First Data offers eCommerce solutions by providing an online payment gateway for smooth transactions. All gateways support various payment methods, including credit cards, digital wallets, and bank transfers. Processing these payments safely includes state-of-the-art encryption and fraud detection to ensure the merchant and consumer are relatively safeguarded from the dangers associated with online transactions.

Business Solutions

In addition to processing payments, First Data provides an establishment rundown solution whereby First Data solutions help run the operation in a much more viable manner. Payroll services facilitate easy and timely salary disbursal to all its employees. Moreover, First Data’s gift card and loyalty programs help attract more customers for an establishment or business house and retain them through its reward system, which is tailor-made on many occasions.

Security Solutions

First Data considers security in every offering. Fraud prevention at First Data consists of sophisticated algorithms and real-time transaction monitoring against suspicious activity. Data security through encryption, tokenization, and conformance to industry standards reassures the safety of sensitive information throughout the entire transaction process. Together, these comprehensive security solutions can help safeguard business operations and build customer trust.

Contract Length and Terms

This information is vital to help businesses decide whether to accept their services for payment processing. Here is the breakup of what can be expected:

Standard Contract Lengths

First Data, now part of Fiserv, typically has four-year contracts. Contracts are usually non-cancellable, meaning the business is locked for the entire period unless it wants to pay a hefty early termination fee.

Terms and Conditions

First Data contracts include terms and conditions outlining several responsibilities for the service provider and expectations on the part of the merchant. These typically would be scope-of-service terms, fees, and compliance requirements. The business should review these agreements with great care to become aware of its obligations in this regard and understand the services it is going to get in return.

Early Termination Fees

Many companies charge businesses early termination fees if they end the contract in advance. Sometimes, these fees are so high that they run into tens of thousands of dollars—equivalent to the remaining monthly payments due under the agreement—thereby making termination of the contract an expensive matter.

Renewal Policies

Many of First Data’s contracts insist on automatic renewal. Unless a termination notice is provided to the business within a period, usually before the contract ends, the agreement may automatically renew for additional periods—usually year-to-year. A company must be aware of such clauses if it intends to avoid such renewals.

Knowing these critical factors can help businesses make informed decisions and manage their contractual obligations.

Pricing and Fees

Any business that wants to manage its expenses needs to know the pricing and fees for First Data. This is an explanation of what you can expect:

Transparent Pricing Structure

First Data, now part of Fiserv, offers individual pricing based on one-to-one business needs. This typically means a lack of upfront transparency in their product pricing. Businesses have to contact a sales representative for specific quotes of the rate. While this logic is designed to ensure that companies get applicable rates for their purposes, this does bring forward the situation where comparing costs head-on might turn out pretty tricky.

Comparison with Competitors

First Data’s pricing is less competitive in most instances as compared to many other processors and seemingly always with small businesses. Square and Stripe charge a flat rate, making them more attractive to small and medium enterprises. Square charges a flat 2.6% + 10¢ per transaction, while First Data rates vary from 2% to 3% plus even higher fees.

Hidden Fees and Charges

One of First Data’s annoying issues is hidden fees. These can include a monthly $19.95 fee for PCI compliance, a chargeback fee of $25-$35 per case, and address verification service fees. High fees are also assessed if a business wants to terminate its contract early. In many cases, this involves prepayment for the remainder of the contract balance, which can cost the business a considerable amount.

Custom Pricing Options

While First Data does have a custom-pricing option, this can benefit most businesses with larger transaction volumes or special processing needs. Direct negotiation by the company with a sales representative may bring in more competitive rates. However, this is quite time-consuming and requires clear insight into their processing needs and market rates to negotiate effectively.

Although the pricing options are many and could be tailored to suit, First Data still lacks transparency and, added to that, potential hidden fees that make it quite a problem for businesses.

Integration and Compatibility

Integration and Compatibility

This should guarantee that the payment processing systems are acceptably developed and integrated for operational efficiency with existing infrastructures across the business. First Data, now part of Fiserv, is a reputable option that guarantees such needs.

Compatibility with Existing Systems

First Data is engineered to integrate with most existing systems. Their solutions can accommodate a variety of operating environments, giving businesses the opportunity to utilize First Data’s services without changing their current setups too much. This flexibility within these companies allows for less impact on continuous operations.

Ease of Integration

In most cases, First Data integration is not very problematic and is supplemented with reasonable technical support in its extensive documentation. Some tools are even known to be pretty easy to set up; this includes Clover POS. First Data designed its systems so that any business would get the least possible technical burden. This was done to make the integration process more accessible than it actually might seem.

Support for Various Payment Methods

First Data will help with almost any payment method available: credit and debit cards, mobile payments, digital wallets—you name it. This support means that firms are prepared to meet varied customer preferences, enhancing the payment experience. Their systems facilitate transactions from significant card networks and newer digital payment platforms, thus giving businesses the flexibility to meet consumer demand.

Third-Party Integrations

First Data is very good at third-party integrations, integrating well with many business applications and software. Most of the famous accounting systems, shopping cart solutions, and CRM software are no exception. First Data’s ability to facilitate these integrations helps businesses run more smoothly by improving data flow and raising overall efficiency.

Overall, First Data provides a reliable option for businesses interested in upgrading or developing their payment processing systems, with broad compatibility and rich integration capabilities.

Customer Support

Customer support is critical to First Data’s services, ensuring businesses can efficiently resolve issues and maintain smooth operations.

Availability and Responsiveness

First Data, now part of Fiserv, offers 24/7 customer support to its clients. This around-the-clock availability ensures that businesses can get assistance whenever needed. However, there have been mixed reviews regarding the responsiveness of this support. Some users report long wait times and multiple follow-ups needed to resolve issues, particularly for smaller businesses. Larger clients, on the other hand, seem to experience more prompt and effective responses.

Support Channels

First Data provides multiple support channels, including phone, email, live chat, and support tickets. Additionally, a comprehensive knowledge base and video tutorials are available on their website to help users troubleshoot common problems independently. This multi-channel approach is designed to cater to different preferences and urgencies, allowing users to choose the most convenient method for their needs.

Quality of Customer Service

First Data has received mixed feedback on the quality of customer service. While some users appreciate the knowledgeable and helpful nature of the support staff, others have criticized the service for being impersonal and unresponsive, especially for small business owners. Larger enterprises receive more personalized and efficient support than smaller businesses, which may feel neglected and frustrated by the service received.

Support for Small Businesses vs. Large Enterprises

First Data’s customer support seems to favor larger enterprises over small businesses. Larger clients often report better, more personalized service, likely due to their more substantial contribution to the company’s revenue. In contrast, small businesses have reported feeling like second-class customers, facing challenges such as less responsive support and difficulty quickly resolving issues. This disparity highlights a potential area for improvement in ensuring all clients, regardless of size, receive high-quality support.

Overall, while First Data offers extensive support options and 24/7 availability, the quality and responsiveness of this support can vary significantly based on the business size. Improvements in support consistency across all customer segments could enhance the overall customer experience.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Customer reviews and ratings provide valuable insights into users’ overall satisfaction with First Data’s services. Here’s a summary of what customers are saying:

Summary of Customer Feedback

Customer feedback on First Data, now part of Fiserv, is mixed, reflecting both positive experiences and notable complaints. Reviews often highlight the effectiveness of their services, particularly the Clover POS system, but also point out areas needing improvement, such as customer support and fee transparency.

Positive Reviews and Highlights

Positive reviews frequently commend First Data for its robust payment processing capabilities and the versatility of the Clover POS system. Many customers appreciate the ease of use, comprehensive features, and seamless integration with various business applications. Large enterprises, in particular, benefit from the tailored solutions and the extensive support for multiple payment methods.

Common Praises from Customers

Customers often praise First Data for its payment processing services’ reliability and the extensive features offered by the Clover POS system. The ability to handle various payment methods, including mobile and online payments, is highly valued. Some users also highlight the company’s efforts to resolve issues and provide responsive support when dealing with larger accounts.

Notable Case Studies or Testimonials

While First Data used to showcase numerous client success stories and video testimonials on its website, these have since been replaced with case studies focusing on larger corporate clients like Microsoft and Google. These case studies highlight the successful implementation of First Data’s solutions in complex, high-volume environments, demonstrating the company’s capability to handle large-scale operations effectively. However, the absence of small business testimonials may leave smaller merchants feeling overlooked.

Overall, First Data garners respect for its comprehensive payment processing solutions and advanced POS systems, though improvements in customer support and transparency could further enhance user satisfaction.

Customer Complaints and Issues

Understanding the common customer complaints and issues with First Data can provide a balanced view of their services and impact on overall satisfaction.

Common Customer Complaints

First Data, now part of Fiserv, faces several recurring customer complaints. Many users have reported issues with hidden fees and unexpected charges. Many customers feel that the terms of their contracts, especially related to equipment leasing, were not fully disclosed at the time of signing. These leases’ complexity and non-cancelable nature often result in substantial financial commitments that customers find burdensome and inflexible.

Areas of Dissatisfaction

Another major area of dissatisfaction is customer support. Many small business owners report that support is often impersonal and unresponsive, with long wait times and multiple follow-ups needed to resolve issues. Complaints frequently highlight the difficulty in getting timely assistance and effective resolutions, leading to frustration among users. Additionally, fund hold and account freeze issues have been commonly mentioned, causing significant disruptions in business operations.

Response and Resolution from First Data

First Data has made efforts to address customer complaints, typically responding to negative reviews and attempting to resolve issues. However, the resolution process has been described as slow and sometimes ineffective. The company’s large size means that while it has the resources to handle complaints, the response times and effectiveness can vary widely. Despite these efforts, many customers feel that the resolution processes do not always meet their expectations.

Impact on Overall Customer Satisfaction

The impact of these complaints on overall customer satisfaction is notable. While First Data provides robust and comprehensive payment solutions, the negative experiences related to customer support and hidden fees significantly affect its reputation. Small businesses, in particular, feel underserved compared to larger enterprises, leading to a lower overall satisfaction rate among this segment.

Addressing these key issues more effectively could improve customer satisfaction and enhance the overall perception of First Data’s services.

Security and Compliance

Ensuring robust security and compliance is a top priority for First Data, now part of Fiserv. They implement a variety of advanced security features and protocols to protect customer data and maintain compliance with industry standards.

Security Features and Protocols

First Data employs multi-layered security measures, including encryption, tokenization, and advanced fraud detection systems to protect sensitive payment information throughout the transaction process.

Compliance with Industry Standards

First Data complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These standards ensure that all data handling and processing activities meet stringent security and privacy requirements.

Measures to Protect Customer Data

The company uses tools like the TransArmor Solution, which protects payment card data from the point of entry through the entire transaction process. This comprehensive approach helps in minimizing risks associated with data breaches.

Incident Response and Breach Handling

First Data has established protocols for incident response and breach handling. These include immediately isolating compromised systems, detailed forensic analysis, and transparent communication with affected parties to mitigate damage and prevent future incidents.

By prioritizing security and strict compliance, First Data aims to provide its clients with safe and reliable payment processing solutions.

Pros and Cons


  • First Data is renowned for its robust and versatile payment processing solutions. The Clover POS system is particularly praised for its ease of use and extensive features, which cater to businesses of all sizes. The company’s global reach and ability to handle high transaction volumes efficiently are significant advantages.


  • Despite its strengths, First Data faces criticism for hidden fees and complex contract terms, particularly with equipment leases. Customer support, especially for small businesses, is often described as impersonal and slow, which can lead to dissatisfaction.

Understanding First Data’s strengths and weaknesses, which are now part of Fiserv, helps assess its overall value.

Comparison with Key Competitors: Unlike Square and Stripe, First Data’s pricing is less transparent and often higher, making it less attractive for small businesses. Competitors tend to offer more straightforward, transparent pricing models and better customer support experiences, giving them an edge in the market.


First Data, now part of Fiserv, offers robust payment processing solutions. Its strengths include versatile POS systems and global reach. However, hidden fees and complex contracts can be drawbacks. First Data suits businesses needing advanced payment solutions but should be approached with careful contract review. Potential customers are advised to compare First Data with competitors to ensure the best fit for their needs.

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