Meramak Business Solutions Review

Meramak Business Solutions Review: Rates, Fees, Complaints, and Lawsuits [2024 Update]

Meramak Business Solutions Review

Meramak Business Solutions is a well-known name in the merchant services industry, company offers a range of payment processing solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses. With a commitment to competitive pricing and exceptional customer service, Meramak has positioned itself as a reliable partner for businesses looking to streamline their payment processing operations.

Company Background

Meramak Business Solutions was founded 25 years ago, with a prominent presence in the merchant services sector. The company’s extensive experience has allowed it to develop a robust portfolio of services that cater to various business types, including retail, hospitality, and online merchants. Over the years, Meramak has built a reputation for reliability and innovation in payment processing.

Richard Ward is the President and CEO of Meramak Business Solutions. Under his leadership, the company strives to provide high-quality services and foster partnership with many financial institutions. His leadership has been crucial to the company’s ability to adapt to the dynamic needs of the merchant services industry and in maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction. 

The headquarters of Meramak Business Solutions is in St. Petersburg, Florida. The main office is at 360 Central Avenue, Suite 800. The central location enhances its operations and allows the company to effectively manage its widespread service network. The strategic partnerships with the First National Bank of Omaha and Wells Fargo Bank further enhance its capabilities and reach.

Features and Services

Features and Services

Meramak Business Solutions offers a comprehensive suite of payment processing services designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses. Their offerings cater to various industries including retail, medical, grocery, hospitality, and more. Here’s an overview of their primary services:

POS Systems: Meramak provides a range of Point of Sale (POS) systems tailored to different business requirements. From basic cash registers for small businesses to sophisticated, all-in-one systems for high-volume operations, their POS solutions are customizable to enhance customer experience and streamline transactions. These systems are designed to be user-friendly and adaptable to the specific needs of each business, ensuring efficient sales management and improved operational efficiency.

Virtual Terminals: For businesses looking to expand online or operate exclusively in the digital space, Meramak’s virtual terminals offer a secure and flexible solution. These terminals enable businesses to accept credit card payments online, manage recurring billing, send email invoices, print receipts, and generate transaction reports. The virtual terminals are equipped with robust features that facilitate real-time payment processing, refunds, and void transactions, providing a seamless online payment experience.

Mobile Payment Solutions: Meramak’s mobile payment solutions empower businesses to accept payments on the go. Using a mobile card reader that connects to smartphones or tablets, merchants can process transactions anywhere, anytime. This solution is particularly beneficial for businesses that operate remotely or do not have a physical storefront, offering flexibility and convenience without the need for bulky equipment.

Security Features: Ensuring the security of transactions is a top priority for Meramak. Their systems utilize advanced end-to-end encryption technology to protect sensitive customer data from fraud and cyber threats. By converting data into secure, undecipherable codes, they help businesses maintain customer trust and uphold the integrity of their payment processing platforms.

ATM Services: Meramak offers ATM services to enhance customer convenience and increase store profitability. By providing access to cash within the premises, businesses can attract more foot traffic, reduce staff workload, and offer additional up-selling opportunities. This service is particularly useful for retail and hospitality businesses aiming to improve customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

EMV Compatibility: To further protect against fraud and chargebacks, Meramak’s payment solutions include EMV card readers. These devices use chip technology to ensure secure transactions, reducing the risk of data breaches and fraudulent activities. EMV compatibility is essential for businesses to safeguard their operations and provide a secure payment environment for their customers.

Overall, Meramak Business Solutions delivers a diverse array of services and products designed to support the growth and efficiency of businesses across various sectors. Their commitment to security, flexibility, and customer convenience makes them a valuable partner in the payment processing industry.

Rates and Contract Conditions

Rates and Contract Conditions

Meramak Business Solutions offers a structured approach to their contract terms and pricing models, aimed at providing clarity and flexibility to their clients. Their contracts typically span a standard length of three years. This long-term commitment is designed to ensure stability and continuity in service. However, clients should be aware that early termination of the contract can incur penalties. Historically, the early termination fee has ranged between $250 and $350, though this may vary based on the specific terms agreed upon at the outset.

The pricing structure of Meramak Business Solutions utilizes both tiered and interchange-plus models. These models are tailored to match the needs of different business types, offering a balanced approach between cost and service quality. The tiered pricing model involves categorizing transactions into different levels, each with its own rate, while the interchange-plus model adds a fixed markup to the interchange fees set by credit card networks.

Additional fees and charges are also part of Meramak’s service offerings. Merchants can expect to encounter processing fees, monthly statement fees, and annual fees. For instance, there have been reports of annual fees ranging from $49.95 for retail businesses to $99.95 for non-retail businesses. Monthly statement fees typically hover around $10, and there is usually a monthly minimum fee of $25. Additionally, Meramak has been noted to charge a fee per incident for chargebacks, which is generally around $25.

The company has improved transparency and hidden costs. However, it is important for potential clients to carefully read and review the terms and conditions before signing a contract. It can help avoid unexpected charges and allows businesses to understand their financial goals for better payment processing solutions. 

Sales Practices and Consumer Support

Meramak Business Solutions emphasizes ethical sales practices and robust consumer support to enhance customer satisfaction. The company primarily employs independent sales agents and ISOs (Independent Sales Organizations) to market its services. This approach allows Meramak to reach a broader client base through experienced sales personnel who understand the nuances of payment processing needs across various industries.

Transparency in marketing and pricing is a major aspect of Meramak’s sales strategy. The company has made efforts to ensure the information about pricing models and contract terms are clear and honest. Although there have been issues with transparency in the past, the company has made improvements. This has led to a fewer number of complaints about the hidden sales or misleading sales tactics. 

Customer support is a cornerstone of Meramak’s service offerings. They provide multiple channels for customer assistance, including toll-free phone support, email, and an online support form. This multi-channel approach ensures that clients can access help through their preferred method. The availability of 24/7 in-house customer service further enhances responsiveness, ensuring that issues can be addressed promptly regardless of the time of day.

Meramak’s commitment to customer support is reflected in its A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, indicating a strong track record of resolving customer issues effectively. Overall, Meramak Business Solutions prioritizes ethical sales practices and comprehensive consumer support to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction.

Customer Reviews and Complaints

Customer reviews of Meramak Business Solutions provide a mixed perspective on the company’s services. Overall, the company maintains a positive reputation with an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and has been accredited since 2010, reflecting a strong track record of resolving customer issues effectively. The absence of significant complaints and a clean complaint record over the past three years are notable achievements.

Positive Feedback and Testimonials

Many customers commend Meramak for its reliable service and responsive customer support. Positive testimonials highlight the company’s efficient payment processing solutions and the convenience of their zero-fee processing program. Clients appreciate the variety of services offered, such as POS systems and mobile payment solutions, which cater to diverse business needs.

Common Complaints and Issues

One of the main issues reported by customers is the lack of transparency in pricing and contract terms. Some customers are frustrated with the hidden fees that weren’t clearly mentioned in the beginning of their agreements. They have also expressed their dissatisfaction with the company’s support channels, especially regarding the availability of customer service representatives and their level of responsiveness. Some clients mentioned delays in resolving issues and a lack of effective communication. 

The overall trend in reviews indicates that while Meramak excels in providing robust payment solutions and has a generally positive reputation, there are areas for improvement, particularly in transparency and customer support. The company’s commitment to resolving complaints and maintaining a high BBB rating suggests that it values customer satisfaction and is willing to address issues as they arise. Businesses considering Meramak should carefully review contract terms and seek clarity on all potential fees to avoid unexpected costs. This balanced approach can help ensure a satisfactory experience with Meramak Business Solutions

User Testimonials

Meramak Business Solutions has received positive feedback and constructive criticism from customers. The positive aspects include the reliable services and solutions tailored to the needs of the business. The customers appreciate the zero-fee processing option that has helped reduce costs and the responsive customer support through phone and email, which leads to a satisfactory overall experience. 

Some testimonials indicate how Meramak’s tailored payment solutions have resulted in smooth transactions and enhanced the businesses’ operational efficiency.  Clients have found the services offering, such as POS systems, virtual terminals, mobile payment solutions, etc., beneficial. It has been helpful in improving their business operations significantly. 

In terms of resolving issues, there are specific examples where Meramak has demonstrated exceptional service. One customer reported a complex issue with account management that was resolved promptly and efficiently by the customer support team, showcasing the company’s commitment to customer satisfaction.

The positive testimonials have an immense impact on Meramak’s reputation. They reinforce the company’s image as a reliable and customer-centric service provider, contributing to its A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. These positive experiences shared by satisfied customers help build trust and credibility, encouraging potential clients to consider Meramak for their payment processing needs.

However, it is important to note that there have been occasional complaints about the transparency of the pricing and the terms of the contract. While there are many positive testimonials, Meramak can improve its reputation and customer trust by addressing these concerns and working on the necessary areas. 

Overall, the user testimonials for Meramak Business Solutions paint a picture of a company dedicated to providing efficient payment processing solutions while maintaining strong customer support and service quality.

Competitive Analysis

Meramak Business Solutions stands out due to its unique features and a strong market position in the competitive landscape of merchant service providers. When compared to other major players like Square, Stax, and Helcim, Meramak offers several advantages and competitive points that are worth noting.

Comparison with Other Merchant Service Providers

Meramak Business Solutions offers a variety of services similar to its competitors. It includes POS systems, virtual terminals, mobile payment solutions, and end-to-end encryption for security. However, it stands out from its competition with its zero-fee processing program, which can be beneficial for small businesses looking to minimize transaction costs. This approach contrasts with the more common tiered and interchange-plus pricing models used by other providers like Stax and Helcim. Additionally, while Square is known for its simplicity and ease of use, especially for new and low-volume businesses, it often incurs higher processing fees and has faced numerous customer complaints regarding service issues.

Unique Selling Points of Meramak Business Solutions

Meramak’s most notable unique selling point is its zero-fee processing option. It takes away all credit card processing fees for businesses. This is a significant advantage for merchants looking to reduce operational costs. Additionally, Meramak’s commitment to providing tailored solutions for various industries—such as retail, medical, and hospitality—ensures that their services meet specific business needs. Their partnerships with prominent financial institutions like Wells Fargo and the First National Bank of Omaha further enhance their credibility and reliability in the market.

Market Position and Reputation

With over 25 years in the industry, Meramak Business Solutions has established a strong market position. It maintains an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and has received positive feedback for its customer service and support. The company’s ability to maintain a clean complaint record, as noted by multiple reviews, highlights its commitment to customer satisfaction and ethical business practices. This solid reputation and proven track record position Meramak as a reliable choice among merchant service providers.

In conclusion, while Meramak Business Solutions faces competition from several well-established players, its zero-fee processing program, tailored industry solutions, and strong market reputation provide it with a competitive edge in the merchant services market​.

Security and Compliance

Meramak Business Solutions prioritizes security and compliance to protect consumer data. This is done with robust security measures to safeguard payment details and foster trust among customers. 

Meramak employs advanced end-to-end encryption to protect transaction data from unauthorized access and potential breaches. This technology ensures that data is securely transmitted and stored, making it difficult for hackers to intercept or decipher sensitive information. Regular security scans help the company identify and address vulnerabilities in their systems. These practices further enhancing their defense against cyber threats.

PCI Compliance and Other Relevant Certifications

Compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a critical component of Meramak’s security framework. PCI DSS is a set of security standards designed to ensure that all companies that accept, process, store, or transmit credit card information maintain a secure environment. Meramak’s adherence to these standards involves regular assessments and audits to ensure ongoing compliance. This includes the completion of annual Self-Assessment Questionnaires (SAQs) and quarterly security scans, which help identify and mitigate any security risks associated with handling cardholder data.

Impact on Customer Trust and Data Protection

PCI compliance and stringent security measures can enhance customer trust. Meramak fosters a sense of security and reliability among its clients with a commitment to protecting their sensitive information. Developing trust is crucial for long-term relationships and to retain the customer base. Strong security posture minimizes the risk of data breaches, which can lead to financial losses and damage to the company’s reputation.

Overall, Meramak Business Solutions’ focus on security and compliance protects customer data and strengthens its market position. These security and compliance measures ensure clients can confidently rely on their services for their secure payment processing​ needs. 

Technology and Innovation

Meramak Business Solutions consistently integrates technological advancements to enhance its services, ensuring that businesses can rely on modern, efficient payment processing solutions. By staying at the forefront of technological innovation, Meramak aims to offer cutting-edge services that meet the evolving needs of its clients.

Technological Advancements in Services

Meramak has implemented advanced end-to-end encryption to secure transaction data, protecting it from potential cyber threats. This security measure ensures that sensitive information is transmitted and stored safely, reducing the risk of data breaches. Additionally, the company provides a variety of technologically advanced payment solutions, including mobile payment systems and virtual terminals, which allow businesses to process payments seamlessly both online and offline.

Innovations Introduced by Meramak Business Solutions

One of the standout innovations from Meramak is their zero-fee processing program. This unique service eliminates the traditional credit card processing fees for businesses, enabling them to save significantly on transaction costs. This program has been particularly beneficial for small to medium-sized businesses looking to optimize their expenses. Meramak also continuously updates its Point of Sale (POS) systems to include the latest features, ensuring that businesses can offer their customers a smooth and efficient checkout experience.

Future Prospects and Planned Upgrades

Looking ahead, Meramak plans to expand its technological capabilities by integrating more advanced analytics and reporting tools into its services. These tools will provide businesses with deeper insights into their transaction data, helping them make more informed decisions. Furthermore, Meramak is exploring the potential of blockchain technology to enhance the transparency and security of its payment processing services. The company is also committed to regular upgrades of its infrastructure to support the latest payment technologies and standards.

By focusing on continuous innovation and staying ahead of technological trends, Meramak Business Solutions aims to maintain its competitive edge and provide top-tier payment processing solutions to its clients​.


Meramak Business Solutions is renowned for its innovative, secure, and cost-effective payment processing services. The company’s market reputation and commitment to customer satisfaction has made it an ideal choice for businesses. It’s best for potential customers to consider the zero-fee processing and security measures offered by the company. 

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