Reverse My Fees Merchant Services Review

Reverse My Fees Merchant Services Review: Rates, Fees, Complaints, and Lawsuits

Reverse My Fees Merchant Services Review: Rates, Fees, Complaints, and Lawsuits

RMF, also known as Reverse My Fees, is a merchant service provider dedicated to assisting businesses in getting rid of credit card processing fees. RMF enables merchants to implement a dual pricing or cash discounting model, enabling them to charge customers using credit cards slightly higher prices to cover transaction fees. This new method is created to ensure that business owners retain a larger portion of their profits.

Company Background

Reverse My Fees was founded in the mid-2000s to help businesses reduce their operational costs associated with credit card processing. It has grown to become a significant player in the merchant services industry. RMF believes in offering clear and affordable solutions to merchants in different industries.

The core mission of Reverse My Fees is to partner with businesses to help them retain 100% of their sales revenue. Their goal is to remove the undisclosed expenses of credit card processing by providing clear and compliant options that are advantageous for merchants and their customers. RMF emphasizes the importance of transparency, compliance, and customer satisfaction in all their operations.

Reverse My Fees is led by a team of experienced professionals in the financial and payment processing industry. The leadership team is dedicated to innovation and excellence, continually striving to provide top-notch services and support to their clients. Their dedication to understanding and maneuvering through intricate industry regulations guarantees that RMF continues to be a dependable and credible ally for businesses seeking to streamline their payment processing.

By focusing on these principles, RMF has established itself as a leader in the merchant services field, offering a unique and beneficial approach to managing credit card processing fees.

Services and Features | Reverse My Fees Merchant Services Review

RMF offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to help businesses manage and reduce their credit card processing costs effectively.

Detailed Explanation of the Dual Pricing Platform

The Dual Pricing platform is a key feature that allows businesses to display two different prices: one for cash payments and another for credit card payments. This setup encourages customers to pay with cash by offering a discount, while the additional cost for credit card transactions helps cover the processing fees. This method not only aids in cost reduction but also maintains transparency with customers by clearly showing the price differences on terminals.

Cash Discounting Credit Card Services

RMF’s cash discounting service enables merchants to offer discounts to customers who pay with cash. This approach helps businesses save on credit card processing fees while rewarding cash-paying customers. It’s particularly beneficial for businesses looking to reduce overhead costs without directly increasing prices for all customers.

Cash Advance Services

RMF offers merchants the ability to quickly access funds through their cash advance services. Although these advances can assist with cash flow control or quick transactions, it is essential for companies to grasp the terms and conditions, as the fees involved could be substantial.

Online Payment Processing

RMF supports online payment processing, enabling businesses to accept payments through their websites. This service integrates with various eCommerce platforms and shopping carts, making it convenient for online retailers. However, the cost structure might be higher for some businesses, depending on their transaction volume and frequency.

Chargeback Mitigation Services

To help merchants manage and reduce chargebacks, RMF offers chargeback mitigation services. These services provide tools and support to handle disputes efficiently, minimizing financial losses from chargebacks. Nevertheless, even with these services in place, certain merchants could still encounter difficulties and suffer financial losses as a result of chargebacks.

Point of Sale Integration

RMF’s POS integration services allow merchants to accept payments seamlessly at their physical locations. The integration supports various POS systems, making it easy for businesses to process transactions quickly and securely. While this service is beneficial for in-person sales, it may not be necessary for all types of businesses.

Additional Services

Beyond the core offerings, RMF provides additional services such as virtual terminals, wireless terminals, and phone apps. These tools enhance the flexibility and convenience of payment processing, allowing merchants to accept payments in various settings, including on-the-go transactions. These services are particularly useful for businesses with diverse payment needs, such as mobile vendors and service providers.

Reverse My Fees provides a strong range of features designed to decrease credit card processing expenses and enhance payment effectiveness for companies. Merchants need to thoroughly examine the terms to make sure the services meet their specific operational requirements.

Pricing and Fees

Pricing and Fees

Reverse My Fees offers a pricing structure designed to help businesses manage and potentially eliminate credit card processing fees. Here’s a breakdown of their pricing components:

Transaction Fees: RMF applies a 4% surcharge on all credit card transactions. This surcharge is designed to cover the interchange fees that merchants would typically pay. However, this rate can be higher than industry standards, where average transaction fees for credit cards range from 2% to 3%.

Monthly Fees: Aside from transaction fees, RMF may also impose various monthly fees. These fees may consist of a service fee, guarantee fee, regulatory compliance fee, and a monthly loss protection fee. The specific fees may differ and need to be fully grasped prior to enrollment.

Setup Fees: RMF generally promotes a no-setup-fee policy, which can be attractive for new businesses. However, it’s important to review the contract thoroughly to ensure there are no hidden setup costs or initial fees associated with starting the service.

Comparison with Industry Standards: Compared to industry standards, RMF’s 4% transaction fee is on the higher side. Most merchant service providers charge between 2% and 3% for credit card transactions. However, RMF aims to offset these higher transaction fees by eliminating other processing fees, potentially providing savings for some businesses.

Potential Hidden Costs and How to Avoid Them: One of the common concerns with RMF is the potential for hidden costs. These can include fees not disclosed upfront, such as annual PCI compliance fees, equipment leasing terms, or early termination fees. To avoid these, it is crucial for businesses to:

  • Thoroughly check the service contract.
  • Ask for a list of all the possible fees.
  • Seek clarification on terms that look unclear.
  • Regularly check monthly statements to understand unexpected charges.

By understanding these pricing components and carefully reviewing the terms, businesses can make an informed decision about whether RMF’s services align with their financial goals.

Compliance and Regulations

Compliance with legal standards is crucial for any merchant service provider, including RMF. Understanding the legal background and ensuring adherence to state and federal laws helps businesses avoid penalties and maintain trust with their customers.

Legal Background of Surcharging and Cash Discounting: The legal framework for surcharging and cash discounting in the United States was significantly influenced by a 2013 legal settlement between businesses and major credit card companies. This agreement allows merchants to apply additional fees to credit card purchases, as long as specific requirements are fulfilled. These requirements involve giving advance notice (30 days) to card networks and acquiring banks before applying surcharges, and guaranteeing clear signage to alert customers of the extra charges.

RMF’s Compliance with State and Federal Laws: Reverse My Fees aims to comply with all applicable state and federal regulations regarding surcharging and cash discounting. Surcharges are generally limited to credit card transactions and must not exceed the merchant discount rate or a maximum of 4%, whichever is lower. Additionally, surcharges on debit cards, prepaid cards, or electronic benefits transfer cards are prohibited. RMF ensures that their clients are aware of these regulations and provides guidance to help them stay compliant.

Disclosure Requirements for Merchants: Proper disclosure is essential for maintaining compliance. RMF assists its clients in creating and displaying compliant signage that informs customers of the additional surcharge for credit card transactions. This transparency helps businesses avoid legal issues and fosters trust with their customers.

Risk of Non-Compliance and Its Consequences: Non-compliance with surcharging regulations can expose businesses to significant risks, including fines and legal action. Failure to properly notify card networks or to provide clear disclosure to customers can result in penalties and damage to the business’s reputation. RMF emphasizes the importance of adhering to these regulations to avoid such consequences and to ensure smooth and lawful operations.

Customer Experience

Reverse My Fees is recognized for its extensive assistance and easy-to-use offerings, which greatly improve the customer’s overall experience. Here is an in-depth examination of RMF’s customer experience from different angles.

Onboarding Process: The onboarding process with RMF is designed to be straightforward and efficient. Merchants are guided through the setup, with assistance provided for integrating RMF’s systems with their existing payment infrastructure. This process includes setting up terminals and ensuring that all compliance requirements are met, making it easy for businesses to start using the service quickly.

Customer Support and Service Quality: RMF offers 24/7 customer support to ensure that merchants can resolve any issues promptly. The support team is accessible via phone and email, providing timely assistance to address technical problems, billing questions, and compliance concerns. However, there have been some complaints about customer support being unresponsive or slow to resolve issues, highlighting an area for potential improvement.

Ease of Use of RMF Systems and Tools: The tools and systems provided by RMF are designed with user-friendliness in mind. Merchants can easily navigate the platform to manage transactions, view reports, and customize their payment processing options. The integration with various POS systems and online payment gateways is seamless, allowing businesses to operate smoothly without extensive technical knowledge.

Common Customer Complaints and Resolutions: While RMF generally receives positive feedback, there are common complaints regarding unexpected fees, account closures without prior notice, and slow customer service responses. RMF has taken steps to address these issues by improving their transparency in fee disclosure and enhancing their customer support infrastructure.

Success Stories and Positive Feedback: Many merchants have reported significant cost savings and improved cash flow as a result of using RMF’s services. Positive feedback often highlights the effectiveness of the dual pricing model in reducing processing fees and the ease of integrating RMF’s systems into their business operations. These success stories underscore the potential benefits for businesses looking to streamline their payment processing.

Overall, RMF’s commitment to providing robust support and user-friendly tools contributes to a positive customer experience, despite some areas needing improvement​.

Employee and Sales Practices

Reverse My Fees employs various sales tactics and has a workforce that plays a crucial role in its operations. Understanding these practices is essential for evaluating the company’s overall reliability and ethical standards.

Overview of RMF’s Sales Tactics: Reverse My Fees uses independent resellers to promote its services, focusing on its dual pricing model. These sales representatives are responsible for explaining how surcharging works and the benefits it offers to merchants. While RMF emphasizes transparent communication about their pricing model, some customers have reported confusion regarding the full implications of these surcharges, which suggests that more detailed disclosure may be necessary during the sales process.

Employee Reviews and Experiences: Employee feedback on RMF highlights a mix of positive and negative experiences. Many employees appreciate the company’s innovative approach to merchant services and the opportunities for earning through commissions. However, there are also reports of dissatisfaction related to the lack of clear communication and support from the management. Some employees have expressed concerns over high-pressure sales tactics and the challenges of navigating complex fee structures, which can sometimes lead to misunderstandings with clients.

Ethical Considerations in RMF’s Marketing and Sales Practices: RMF strives to maintain ethical standards in its marketing and sales practices by providing clear and honest information about its services. However, there have been instances where customers felt misled by the marketing language used, particularly regarding the “zero-cost” processing claims. Ensuring that all terms are fully disclosed and avoiding overly simplistic promotional language can help improve transparency and customer trust. Despite these challenges, RMF generally avoids deceptive marketing practices, aiming to build long-term relationships with their clients through ethical business conduct.

Competitive Analysis

Understanding RMF within the competitive landscape of merchant service providers is crucial for assessing its value proposition. RMF differentiates itself with unique pricing strategies aimed at reducing costs for businesses.

Comparison with Other Merchant Service Providers: RMF competes with major players like Square, PayPal, and Stripe, which offer fixed-rate pricing and extensive integrations. Unlike these providers, RMF uses a dual pricing model, allowing businesses to pass credit card processing fees to customers who pay with credit cards while offering discounts for cash payments. This approach can lead to significant cost savings for merchants, though it might not suit every business model.

Strengths and Weaknesses Relative to Competitors: 


  • Cost Savings: RMF’s dual pricing model can drastically reduce or eliminate processing fees for businesses.
  • Transparency: The clear display of dual prices can enhance customer awareness and choice.
  • Versatile Tools: RMF offers a range of services, including POS integration, online payment processing, and chargeback mitigation.


  • Complexity: The dual pricing model may confuse some customers and require extensive employee training.
  • Customer Support Issues: There have been complaints about customer service that is not helpful, which may be a disadvantage when compared to the top-rated customer service of competitors such as PayPal.
  • Higher Transaction Fees: The fixed surcharge rate may sometimes exceed the actual processing costs, making it more expensive for low-ticket transactions.

Unique Selling Points of RMF: RMF’s unique selling point lies in its innovative pricing strategy. By allowing businesses to offset processing fees through surcharges on credit card transactions, RMF provides a way for businesses to maintain profitability without absorbing the high costs of credit card fees. Additionally, RMF’s commitment to compliance and providing compliant signage helps businesses adhere to legal requirements while implementing this model.

Overall, while RMF offers distinct advantages in cost savings and transparency, businesses must weigh these benefits against the potential complexities and customer service challenges compared to other merchant service providers.

It is important to understand the legal and financial status of Reverse My Fees in order to assess its trustworthiness and resilience as a merchant service provider.

Overview of Any Lawsuits or Fines: Reverse My Fees has managed to avoid major legal issues, with no significant lawsuits or fines reported against the company. This shows a degree of adherence and ethical conduct in the field. Nevertheless, some individuals have made private allegations of not following specific surcharging rules, especially concerning the proper notification and signage mandated by Visa and other card networks. These claims have not been publicly corroborated, but they highlight the importance of strict adherence to legal requirements.

Financial Stability and Performance: Financially, RMF appears to be stable, servicing a broad range of clients across the United States. The company promotes its ability to help businesses save on processing fees significantly, suggesting a strong business model. Approximately $50 million in revenue is generated annually from a customer base exceeding 25,000 businesses. RMF states that their dual pricing model helps clients save approximately $10 million each year. While detailed financial performance data is not publicly available, RMF’s continued growth and presence in the market suggest a solid financial footing.

BBB Rating and Other Third-Party Evaluations: Reverse My Fees holds an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau, reflecting a generally positive reputation among customers. Even with the impressive rating, the company has faced a few grievances in the last three years, primarily concerning unforeseen fees and problems with customer service. 80% of these complaints have been satisfactorily resolved. These grievances highlight the importance of potential clients thoroughly reviewing and understanding service agreements. Third-party reviews also point to mixed experiences, with some customers praising the cost savings and others highlighting areas needing improvement, particularly in customer support and transparency.

In general, Reverse My Fees has a solid legal and financial foundation, but prospective clients should perform their own research to confirm the company’s services are suitable for their business requirements.

Pros and Cons


  • Cost Savings: RMF’s double pricing system enables businesses to get rid of processing fees by transferring the cost to customers who use credit cards. This has the potential to greatly decrease operational costs and enhance profit margins.
  • Transparency: The dual pricing model provides clear visibility of costs to customers, helping them understand the price difference between cash and credit payments.
  • Compliance Support: RMF offers guidance on compliance with state and federal regulations, including proper surcharge disclosure and compliant signage.
  • Versatile Services: RMF offers a variety of services such as online payment processing, chargeback mitigation, POS integration, and cash advance options to meet different business requirements.
  • Customer Incentives: By offering discounts for cash payments, businesses can encourage more customers to pay with cash, reducing the reliance on credit card transactions and associated fees.


  • Higher Surcharge Rates: The 4% additional fee charged on credit card purchases may exceed standard industry rates, leading some customers to avoid using credit cards.
  • Complexity and Confusion: The dual pricing model can be confusing for both customers and staff, requiring clear communication and training to implement effectively.
  • Customer Support Issues: Complaints have been made regarding customer support that is slow to respond and takes a long time to resolve issues, causing frustration for businesses in need of prompt help.
  • Hidden Fees: Some customers have reported unexpected fees and charges that were not clearly disclosed upfront, leading to potential dissatisfaction and financial strain.
  • Legal Risks: Accusations of failing to comply with surcharging regulations, while not officially verified, highlight the necessity of strictly following legal mandates to prevent possible penalties and legal problems.

By considering these pros and cons, businesses can better evaluate whether Reverse My Fees is the right fit for their payment processing needs.


RMF provides a distinct way to get rid of credit card processing fees by using its dual pricing system. Although RMF can result in considerable cost reductions and aid in meeting regulations, individuals interested in using this service should thoroughly evaluate the intricacy and increased fees. In general, RMF is a feasible choice for businesses aiming to lower processing fees, but it is advisable to thoroughly assess and understand their terms and customer service before making a commitment.

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