Circle Plus Payments Review

Circle Plus Payments Review: Complaints, Lawsuits, Fees and Rates [2024 Update]

Circle Plus Payments Review: Complaints, Lawsuits, Fees and Rates

Circle Plus Payments is a mobile payment platform for seamless credit card transactions without additional hardware. Circle Plus Payments offers an integrated solution with Stripe Connect to enhance the payment experience for businesses of all sizes. The user-friendly interface of the platform allows merchants to manage transactions, subscriptions, and memberships efficiently. 

Company Background

Circle Plus Payments was founded with the vision of streamlining payment processing by leveraging advanced technology and integrations. The company’s primary focus is on providing a simple, transparent, and efficient payment solution that caters to the needs of modern businesses.

Circle Plus Payments is an offshoot of Circle Internet Financial Limited, a company established in 2013 by Jeremy Allaire and Sean Neville. Initially the company focused on peer-to-peer payments and cryptocurrency exchanges. Now, it has evolved to become a significant player in the fintech space. In 2018, Circle acquired Poloniex, a major cryptocurrency exchange, further strengthening its position in the financial technology industry. Circle has expanded its services over the years, including the development of Circle Plus Payments. It helps cater to a broader range of financial transactions and services.

The mission of Circle Plus Payments is to provide a frictionless payment experience that integrates seamlessly with existing business operations. The company aims to empower businesses by offering a reliable and transparent payment solution that enhances operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Circle Plus Payments envisions a future where digital transactions are effortless, secure, and accessible to all businesses, thereby driving global financial inclusion and innovation.

Integration with Stripe

Circle Plus Payments leverages Stripe Connect to provide a seamless payment processing experience for its users. Stripe Connect is a comprehensive solution designed to integrate payment services into platforms, enabling Circle Plus Payments to offer robust payment functionalities without developing these features from scratch. This integration allows businesses using Circle Plus Payments to manage transactions, handle payouts, and streamline their financial operations efficiently.

Benefits and Unique Features Due to This Integration

The integration with Stripe Connect brings numerous benefits and unique features to Circle Plus Payments:

  1. Seamless Onboarding and Verification: Stripe Connect makes the onboarding process simple for new users. They can quickly set up and verify their accounts. This streamlined process helps businesses start accepting payments with minimal delay, enhancing user experience and reducing friction.
  2. Global Payment Acceptance: With Stripe Connect, Circle Plus Payments can accept payments in over 135 currencies and 40+ payment methods. This extensive support for global payment methods ensures that businesses can cater to customers worldwide, increasing their market reach and potential revenue.
  3. Comprehensive Dashboard Management: The detailed dashboards of Stripe Connect that allow businesses to monitor transactions, manage refunds, handle disputes, and access comprehensive reporting tools. This level of control and transparency is crucial for maintaining smooth financial operations and making informed business decisions.
  4. Instant Payouts: One of the standout features of Stripe Connect is the ability to offer instant payouts. Businesses can transfer earnings to their bank accounts within minutes, providing immediate access to funds and improving cash flow management.
  5. Advanced Security and Compliance: By integrating with Stripe Connect, Circle Plus Payments benefits from Stripe’s advanced security measures and compliance with global financial regulations. This includes fraud detection and prevention, PCI compliance, and automatic updates to meet the latest regulatory requirements.
  6. Customizable Payment Flows: Stripe Connect allows for highly customizable payment flows, enabling businesses to tailor the payment experience to their specific needs. This includes setting up recurring billing, managing subscriptions, and offering promotional discounts, all through a user-friendly interface.
  7. Integration with Other Tools: Stripe Connect’s flexibility extends to its integration capabilities with other tools and platforms. This includes support for popular services like Zapier, which allows Circle Plus Payments to connect with thousands of third-party applications, further enhancing its functionality and adaptability.

In summary, the integration with Stripe Connect empowers Circle Plus Payments to provide a powerful, flexible, and secure payment processing solution. This integration not only simplifies the payment experience for businesses but also enhances their ability to scale and operate efficiently in a global market​.

Features and Services

Features and Services

Circle Plus Payments offers a comprehensive suite of payment processing services designed to meet the needs of various businesses. It provides a seamless and efficient platform for handling transactions using Stripe Connect.

Businesses can process credit card payments easily using Circle Plus Payments, without additional hardware. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for small to medium-sized enterprises looking for a cost-effective solution. The platform supports both online and in-person transactions, making it versatile for different business models.

Mobile Payment Capabilities

One of the standout features of Circle Plus Payments is its robust mobile payment capabilities. The platform allows merchants to accept payments through their mobile devices, facilitating transactions on the go. This is especially useful for businesses that operate outside of traditional retail environments, such as pop-up shops, food trucks, and service-based industries. The mobile app is available for both iOS and Android for broad accessibility.

Subscription and Membership Management

Circle Plus Payments also excels in managing subscriptions and memberships. Businesses can set up various subscription tiers and manage recurring billing cycles efficiently. This feature includes support for one-time payments, monthly, quarterly, and annual subscriptions, as well as free trials and promotional discounts. The platform’s intuitive interface makes it easy to customize and manage these options, helping businesses maintain and grow their subscriber base effectively.

Security Features and PCI Compliance

Security is a top priority for Circle Plus Payments. The platform is PCI compliant, ensuring that all transactions meet the highest standards of security. It employs advanced encryption methods to protect sensitive data and offers features like fraud detection and prevention. Additionally, Circle Plus Payments benefits from Stripe’s continuous updates to compliance requirements, ensuring that businesses always adhere to the latest regulations without additional effort.

Pricing and Fees

Pricing and Fees

Circle Plus Payments offers a straightforward and transparent pricing structure designed to cater to various business needs. This section provides a detailed breakdown of their pricing, including transaction fees, Bitcoin transaction fees, and additional costs, and compares these with industry standards.

Circle Plus Payments charges a standard rate of 2.9% plus $0.30 per transaction for credit and debit card payments. For Bitcoin transactions, the fee is 0.8%, capped at $5 per transaction. There are no monthly fees, setup fees, PCI compliance fees, or statement fees. It is an attractive option for businesses looking to minimize fixed costs.

Transaction Fees

The transaction fees for Circle Plus Payments are competitive and align with industry standards. The standard fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction is typical for many payment processors, ensuring businesses are not overpaying for their transaction processing needs.

Bitcoin Transaction Fees

For businesses accepting Bitcoin, Circle Plus Payments charges a 0.8% fee per transaction, with a maximum fee of $5. This cap is particularly beneficial for larger transactions, providing cost savings compared to a percentage-based fee structure without a cap.

Additional Fees

One of the key advantages of Circle Plus Payments is the absence of additional fees. Businesses can use the service without worrying about hidden costs, as there are no monthly fees, setup fees, or early termination fees. The flexible fee structure is cost-effective for businesses of all sizes. 

Comparison with Industry Standards

Circle Plus Payments’ are competitive compared to other payment processors. Although many processes charge similar transaction fees, the company stands out because of no monthly and additional fees. The simplicity and transparency of Circle Plus Payments is favorable for small to medium-sized businesses who require reliable and cost-effective payment solutions.  

Cost-effectiveness for Different Business Sizes

Circle Plus Payments is particularly cost-effective for small to medium-sized businesses due to its transparent fee structure and lack of additional costs. Larger businesses that process high volumes of transactions may also benefit from the capped Bitcoin transaction fees, making it a versatile option across various business sizes and types.

Contract Terms

Circle Plus Payments offers a transparent and straightforward contract structure, ensuring businesses can easily understand their obligations and costs. This section covers the standard contract terms, cancellation policies, and how Circle Plus Payments compares to industry norms.

Circle Plus Payments provides a user-friendly contract setup that avoids lengthy and complicated legal documents. The terms are designed to be clear and concise, ensuring businesses understand what they are agreeing to from the outset. This simplicity is a significant advantage, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises that may not have legal teams to scrutinize contracts.

Cancellation Policies and Early Termination Fees

One of the standout features of Circle Plus Payments is its flexible cancellation policy. There are no early termination fees, allowing businesses to cancel their service at any time without incurring additional costs. This no-penalty cancellation policy offers significant flexibility, enabling businesses to switch providers or cease operations without financial repercussions.

Transparency and Disclosure of Terms

Circle Plus Payments is committed to transparency, ensuring that all fees and contract terms are disclosed upfront. There are no hidden charges, and all critical information is readily accessible, allowing businesses to make informed decisions. This level of openness is essential for building trust and ensuring long-term customer satisfaction.

Comparison with Industry Norms

Compared to industry standards, Circle Plus Payments’ contract terms are notably more flexible and transparent. Many payment processors impose early termination fees and have complex contracts that can include hidden charges. In contrast, Circle Plus Payments focuses on simplicity and customer-friendly policies, making it a competitive choice for businesses looking for reliable and cost-effective payment solutions without the fear of unexpected fees.

User Experience

Circle Plus Payments provides a user-friendly and intuitive platform designed to meet the needs of various businesses. This section explores the ease of use, interface design, customer feedback on usability, and accessibility across devices.

Ease of Use and Interface Design

Circle Plus Payments is designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind. The platform features a clean and intuitive interface that allows users to navigate and manage their transactions effortlessly. The dashboard provides clear and concise information, making it easy for businesses to monitor their financial activities and perform tasks without confusion. Users appreciate the logical layout and straightforward navigation, which reduces the learning curve and allows for quick onboarding.

Customer Feedback on Usability

The customer feedback includes positive user experiences of using Circle Plus Payments. Many users are satisfied with the platform’s ease of use and the simplified payment processing tasks. The integration with Stripe Connect has improved the user experience with reliable payment solutions. However, some users have issues with the lack of live customer support for immediate assistance. Overall, the feedback represents a high level of satisfaction with the platform. 

Accessibility Across Devices (Mobile, Desktop)

Circle Plus Payments offers excellent accessibility across various devices, including mobile phones and desktops. The mobile app is available on both iOS and Android for businesses to manage their transactions on the go, making it convenient for those who need flexibility.  The desktop version provides a comprehensive set of features, ensuring that users can perform all necessary tasks from their computer. This cross-device compatibility ensures that businesses can stay connected and manage their payments efficiently, regardless of their location or device preference.

Sales and Marketing Tactics

Circle Plus Payments employs a variety of sales and marketing tactics designed to effectively reach and engage potential customers. This section covers the transparency in their marketing, the sales channels they use, and their customer acquisition methods.

Transparency in Marketing

Circle Plus Payments emphasizes transparency in its marketing efforts. The company clearly lists its pricing, terms, and conditions on its website, ensuring that potential customers are well-informed before making a decision. There are no hidden fees or misleading rate quotes, which helps build trust with their audience. This straightforward approach is a significant advantage, as it aligns with the increasing demand for transparency in business practices.

Sales Channels and Promotional Strategies

Circle Plus Payments primarily uses online advertising and strategic partnerships to market its products. They leverage digital marketing channels, including their website and social media platforms, to reach a broad audience. The company does not rely on independent sales agents or telemarketing, which helps maintain control over the messaging and ensures consistency in how the product is presented to potential customers.

Their promotional strategies include offering free trials and demos to attract new users. This hands-on approach allows potential customers to experience the platform’s features and benefits firsthand, which can be a powerful incentive to convert trial users into paying customers.

Customer Acquisition Methods

Circle Plus Payments utilizes several methods to acquire new customers. One of their key strategies is content marketing, which involves creating informative and engaging content that highlights the benefits of their payment solutions. They also focus on search engine optimization (SEO) to improve their visibility on search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find them.

Another important method is through strategic partnerships. By partnering with other businesses and platforms, Circle Plus Payments can reach new audiences and offer integrated solutions that add value to their customers. This collaborative approach expands their customer base and enhances their services.

Customer Support

Circle Plus Payments offers customer support to assist users effectively. This section highlights the types of support available, their availability, responsiveness, the user community, and the options for peer support. 

Types of Support Available

Circle Plus Payments provides several support options to cater to the diverse needs of its users. The primary support channels include email support and an extensive knowledge base. The email support allows users to get specific issues resolved by the support team, providing personalized assistance. The knowledge base is a robust resource, with detailed articles, guides, and FAQs. These resources cover a wide range of topics related to the platform’s functionalities and troubleshooting steps.

Availability and Responsiveness

The availability and responsiveness of customer support are crucial aspects of Circle Plus Payments’ service. The email support team is very responsive and addresses user queries promptly. However, some users highlighted that the lack of live chat or phone support can be a limitation, especially for the immediate resolution of issues. Despite this, the knowledge base is available 24/7, providing users with the necessary resources to troubleshoot and resolve issues independently.

User Community and Peer Support

Circle Plus Payments also benefits from a strong user community, which serves as an additional support resource. Customers can share experiences, solutions and best practices with the user community, fostering a collaborative environment. This peer support can be invaluable, as users can learn from each other’s experiences and find solutions to common problems without needing to contact formal support channels.

Analytics and Reporting

Circle Plus Payments provides robust analytics and reporting features designed to give businesses deep insights into their financial and user activity data. This section outlines the types of reports available, how they track member engagement, financial transactions, user activity, customization options for reports, and the benefits of detailed analytics for business growth.

Types of Reports Available

Circle Plus Payments offers a variety of reports that help businesses monitor and analyze their performance. These reports include detailed breakdowns of financial transactions, user activity logs, and member engagement statistics. By having access to these reports, businesses can track their revenue streams, understand user behavior, and assess the effectiveness of their engagement strategies.

Member Engagement

The platform provides tools to measure how members interact with various aspects of the business. Engagement metrics include data on event participation, content interaction, and login frequency. Businesses can use these insights to identify the most and least engaging elements of their offerings, allowing them to optimize their strategies to better meet their members’ needs.

Financial Transactions

Circle Plus Payments offers comprehensive financial reporting, tracking every transaction processed through the platform. This includes details on transaction amounts, types, dates, and statuses. Such granular data helps businesses manage their finances more effectively, ensuring transparency and accuracy in their financial operations.

User Activity

User activity reports provide insights into how users interact with the platform. These reports include data on login times, session durations, and the specific actions users take while on the platform. Understanding these patterns allows businesses to enhance user experience by tailoring their services to better suit user needs.

Customization Options for Reports

The reporting tools offered by Circle Plus Payments are highly customizable. Businesses can tailor reports to focus on specific metrics based on their goals. The customizable filters and data grouping options allows users to create reports that provide the precise insights needed for strategic decision-making.

Circle Plus Payments’ analytics and reporting capabilities provide a comprehensive view of business performance, facilitating strategic planning and operational efficiency. This makes it an invaluable tool for businesses looking to harness data for growth and success.

Third-Party Integrations

Circle Plus Payments offers robust third-party integrations that enhance its functionality and ease of use. This section provides an overview of the supported integrations, Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities, and API access and customization options.

Circle Plus Payments integrates seamlessly with a variety of popular apps to automate workflows and enhance user experience. Notable integrations include:

  • Zapier: Connects Circle Plus Payments with thousands of external applications such as email providers, CRMs, and marketing tools, allowing for extensive automation without the need for coding.
  • Google Analytics: Helps businesses track user interactions and analyze traffic, providing valuable insights into customer behavior and website performance.
  • Other Tools: Circle supports integration with various other tools like Intercom for customer support and ConvertBox for marketing purposes.

These integrations enable businesses to streamline operations and improve efficiency by connecting their payment processing with other essential business applications.

SSO (Single Sign-On) Capabilities

Circle Plus Payments offers robust Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities, which enhance security and simplify the user experience. SSO integrations are available with several popular platforms, including Thinkific, Teachable, and WordPress. This allows users to access their Circle Plus Payments account using a single set of credentials, reducing the need for multiple logins and improving security. Additionally, Circle offers a custom SSO option, enabling businesses to integrate SSO with their existing membership platforms, providing a seamless and secure login experience for users.

API Access and Customization Options

Circle Plus Payments provides extensive API access, allowing developers to create custom integrations and extend the platform’s functionality. The API enables businesses to access data from their Circle Plus Payments account and perform various actions within their community or application. This can include integrating with other services like Slack or developing custom apps to meet specific business needs. The API is designed to be flexible and powerful, supporting a wide range of use cases and allowing for significant customization.

The combination of robust third-party integrations, SSO capabilities, and customizable API access makes Circle Plus Payments a highly versatile platform. These features enable businesses to tailor the platform to their specific needs, enhancing operational efficiency and providing a seamless user experience.

Pros and Cons

Circle Plus Payments offers several strengths and areas for improvement. Below is a detailed overview of these aspects to help potential users make an informed decision.


  • Integration with Stripe: One of the primary advantages of Circle Plus Payments is its integration with Stripe. This partnership allows for seamless payment processing, benefiting from Stripe’s robust infrastructure. This integration ensures reliability, security, and the ability to handle a high volume of transactions effortlessly.
  • Transparent Pricing: Circle Plus Payments is known for its clear and transparent pricing structure. There are no hidden fees or unexpected charges. It becomes easier for businesses to understand their costs and manage their finances effectively. This straightforward approach to pricing is a significant advantage, particularly for small to medium-sized businesses that need to budget accurately.
  • Comprehensive Analytics: The platform offers detailed analytics and reporting tools. Businesses can track member engagement, financial transactions, and user activity, which provide valuable insights into performance and customer behavior. These analytics help businesses make data-driven decisions to enhance their operations and growth strategies.


  • Lack of Live Customer Support: One of the notable drawbacks of Circle Plus Payments is the absence of live customer support. Users have reported that support is primarily available through email and the knowledge base, which can be slow and less effective for urgent issues. This lack of immediate support can be frustrating for businesses that need quick resolutions to their problems.
  • Dependency on Stripe’s Infrastructure: While the integration with Stripe brings many benefits, it also means that Circle Plus Payments is heavily reliant on Stripe’s infrastructure. Any issues or limitations with Stripe directly impact the functionality and reliability of Circle Plus Payments. This dependency can be a concern for businesses looking for more autonomy and flexibility in their payment processing solutions.

Competitor Comparison

Circle Plus Payments stands out in the crowded payment processing market by offering unique features and a seamless user experience. Here’s how it compares to other payment processing platforms, along with its unique selling points and potential drawbacks.

Comparison with Other Payment Processing Platforms

Compared to industry giants like Square and PayPal, Circle Plus Payments holds its ground well. Platforms like Square offer comprehensive point-of-sale solutions and are renowned for their ease of use and extensive hardware options. PayPal, on the other hand, is well-known for its global reach and consumer trust. However, Circle Plus Payments differentiates itself by focusing on seamless integration with Stripe, providing advanced features without the need for additional hardware. This makes it particularly appealing to businesses that prefer a streamlined, software-based solution.

Unique Selling Points of Circle Plus Payments

Integration with Stripe: Circle Plus Payments leverages Stripe’s powerful payment infrastructure, ensuring reliable and secure transactions. This integration allows businesses to benefit from Stripe’s extensive global payment capabilities without additional complexity.

Transparent Pricing: One of Circle Plus Payments’ key advantages is its clear and straightforward pricing model. There are no hidden fees, making it easier for businesses to predict and manage their costs effectively.

Comprehensive Analytics: The platform offers detailed analytics and reporting tools that help businesses track member engagement, financial transactions, and user activity. This data-driven approach enables businesses to optimize their operations and improve decision-making.

Potential Drawbacks Compared to Competitors

Lack of Live Customer Support: A notable disadvantage of Circle Plus Payments is the absence of live customer support. Unlike competitors such as Square and PayPal, which offer 24/7 live support, Circle Plus Payments primarily relies on email and a knowledge base for customer service. This can be a significant drawback for businesses that require immediate assistance.

Dependency on Stripe’s Infrastructure: While the integration with Stripe provides many benefits, it also means that Circle Plus Payments is heavily dependent on Stripe’s infrastructure. Any issues or limitations with Stripe can directly affect the performance and reliability of Circle Plus Payments. This dependency might be a concern for businesses looking for more autonomy in their payment processing solutions.

User Reviews and Testimonials

Circle Plus Payments has garnered a mix of reviews from its users across various platforms. This section summarizes the common praises and complaints, as well as the overall user satisfaction.

Users have provided feedback on multiple aspects of Circle Plus Payments — both positive experiences and areas for improvement. The reviews generally emphasize the platform’s ease of use, the seamless integration with Stripe, and the transparency in pricing. However, some users have also expressed dissatisfaction with certain elements of the service, particularly customer support.

Common Praises

A significant number of users appreciate the simplicity and intuitiveness of Circle Plus Payments. The platform’s integration with Stripe is often praised for providing reliable and efficient payment processing capabilities. Users also commend the clear and transparent pricing structure, which eliminates the concern of hidden fees and makes financial management straightforward. Additionally, the comprehensive analytics and reporting tools receive positive feedback for helping businesses make data-driven decisions.

Common Complaints

Several users have reported issues with customer support, as the lack of live support can be a significant drawback. Users have mentioned that responses via email can be slow, making it a challenge when urgent assistance is needed. The complaints of occasional technical glitches, particularly with newer features, can affect the overall user experience.

Overall User Satisfaction

The overall user satisfaction among users of Circle Plus Payments is moderately high. The positive user experiences highlight the ease of use, integration, and transparent pricing. However, user feedback regarding customer support and occasional technical issues suggest there is room for improvement. Circle Plus Payments is a valuable tool for businesses that require a straightforward and reliable payment processing option with analytics. However, businesses that require prompt and effective customer support might face challenges. 

Circle Plus Payments is generally well-regarded for its core functionalities and transparent pricing, although improvements in customer support could enhance user satisfaction further.


Circle Plus Payments offers seamless Stripe integration, transparent pricing, and robust analytics. These features make it an effective and reliable payment solution. However, the lack of customer support is a drawback for users. The platform is ideal for businesses looking for straightforward and cost-effective payment processing options. 

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