Paperless Transactions Corporation

Paperless Transactions Corporation: Complaints, Lawsuits, Fees, and Rates In 2024

Paperless Transactions Corporation is a leading entity in the fundraising and payment processing sector, specifically focused on serving nonprofit organizations. Founded in 1998, PTC has created a unique position for itself through the provision of tailored digital marketing, fundraising software, and payment processing solutions. The company looks forward to support nonprofits by streamlining and improving their donation procedures, allowing them to concentrate on their main objectives.

Paperless Transactions Corporation

Company Background and History

George Reich founded PTC and still serves as President and CEO. At first, the company focused on creating affordable software and firmware applications for electronic check processing in retail. This initial focus assisted PTC in innovating and swiftly adapting to evolving banking regulations, enabling electronic debit items to substitute traditional paper checks.

In 2001, PTC was acknowledged for its quick expansion, being ranked as the second fastest-growing technology company in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex by the Dallas Business Journal. This acknowledgment demonstrated the company’s creativity and its skill in responding efficiently to market needs.

In 2004, PTC changed its attention to catering to faith-based nonprofits and church ministries, noting a lack of web-based fundraising options for these groups. This strategic shift required adapting their current software to operate as online donation platforms, which included creating advanced features like mobile apps, donation pages, and text-to-give options. This move not only broadened PTC’s service offerings but also solidified its reputation as a trusted partner for nonprofits.

Over the years, PTC has continued to innovate and expand its service offerings, integrating advanced technology to provide a comprehensive suite of solutions. These include ACH/EFT processing, credit card processing, check imaging, and secure gateway processing. Nowadays, PTC is recognized for its strong and easy-to-use system that helps nonprofits improve their fundraising activities with tailored and effective solutions.

Services and Offerings

Paperless Transactions Corporation provides a wide range of services specifically designed for non-profit and faith-based groups. Their services aim to simplify fundraising processes and improve donor interaction with innovative digital solutions.

Event registration pages: PTC offers event registration pages that streamline the task of managing and coordinating events, enabling nonprofit organizations to effectively manage registrations and payments. The pages can be customized for each event’s unique requirements, simplifying the monitoring of attendee details and organization of event arrangements.

Church mobile applications: These apps are designed specifically for religious organizations, providing a smooth mobile experience for donors and members. The applications offer functions like donation portals, event calendars, and communication tools to keep the congregation involved and informed.

Giving pages and storefront pages: PTC’s giving pages and storefront pages are user-friendly and customizable. They enable organizations to set up online donation portals and e-commerce platforms, providing an easy and secure way for supporters to make contributions and purchases.

Text2donate capabilities: This function allows donors to easily and conveniently donate using text messages. Donors can donate easily by sending a text, streamlining the process for organizations to receive funds and for supporters to contribute.

Email receipting: PTC offers automated and personalized email receipts for donations. This service helps maintain professional communication with donors, providing them with immediate confirmation and documentation of their contributions.

Donor portals: Donor portals offer a centralized platform for donors to manage their contributions, view donation history, and update personal information. This self-service feature enhances donor satisfaction by providing easy access to their donation records.

API integration: PTC’s API integration enables effortless connection with different software systems, ensuring consistent data flow and compatibility. This integration feature enables organizations to optimize their processes and improve effectiveness by linking their fundraising platform with other necessary tools and systems.

Virtual Terminal options: These options enable organizations to process payments securely and efficiently from any device. Whether processing credit card payments, ACH transactions, or electronic checks, the virtual terminal ensures that all transactions are handled with the highest level of security and efficiency.

Integration with web and donor software: PTC guarantees smooth integration of donor information through connections with top web and donor software. This integration improves the general efficiency and effectiveness of fundraising activities, enabling organizations to better handle their donor information and fundraising campaigns.

Benefits of Using PTC

Paperless Transactions Corporationa (PTC) provides many advantages that support nonprofits and faith-based organizations in improving their fundraising and donor management procedures. Some of the advantages are customized software solutions, efficient processes, secure transaction gateways, and advanced analytics tools.

Personalization and customization of software solutions

Paperless Transactions Corporation excels in offering personalized and customized software solutions tailored to the unique needs of each nonprofit organization. PTC understands that no two organizations are alike, and thus provides flexible solutions that can be adjusted to fit specific requirements. This customization allows organizations to create a more engaging and effective donor experience, maximizing the potential of their fundraising efforts.

Streamlined donor management processes

One of the significant advantages of using PTC is the streamlined donor management processes. The platform integrates various tools that enable organizations to efficiently handle donations, track donor interactions, and manage donor information in a centralized system. This integration helps in reducing administrative overhead, allowing staff to focus more on strategic initiatives and less on manual data entry and management.

Secure and efficient donor processing gateway

Paperless Transactions Corporation offers a reliable and effective platform for processing donations that guarantees the security and precision of every transaction. By implementing strong security measures, PTC safeguards delicate donor data, providing donors with reassurance in the safety of their contributions and inspiring increased donation frequency.

Enhanced donor engagement and retention through analytics and targeting tools

Paperless Transactions Corporation enhances donor engagement and retention through advanced analytics and targeting tools. These tools offer valuable insights into donor behavior and preferences, enabling organizations to tailor their communication and outreach efforts. By targeting specific donor segments and personalizing messages, organizations can improve donor retention and foster stronger, long-term relationships with their supporters.

Pricing and Fee Structure

Pricing and Fee Structure

Paperless Transactions Corporation provides a transparent and organized pricing plan tailored for the varied requirements of nonprofit and faith-based sectors. They determine their pricing through a competitive framework that guarantees transparency and cost-efficiency for their customers.

Interchange plus 0.5% per transaction

Paperless Transactions Corporation employs a pricing model where they charge an interchange fee plus 0.5% per transaction. This means that the cost for each transaction is based on the interchange rate set by the card-issuing banks plus an additional 0.5%. This model ensures that clients are charged a fair rate that reflects the actual cost of processing payments.

Additional fees such as ACH fees and potential liquidated damages

In addition to the per-transaction fee, Paperless Transactions Corporation also includes other charges such as ACH (Automated Clearing House) fees. These fees are typically a fixed amount per transaction and cover the cost of processing electronic payments. Clients should also be aware of potential liquidated damages fees, which can apply to specific circumstances such as early contract termination or other contractual breaches.

Comparison of PTC’s rates with industry standards

When compared to industry standards, PTC’s rates are competitive. The interchange plus 0.5% model is common in the payment processing industry, and PTC’s additional fees are in line with what other service providers charge. This makes PTC an attractive option for organizations looking for reliable and cost-effective payment processing solutions.

Clarity and transparency in fee structure

One of the standout features of PTC’s pricing is its clarity and transparency. The company is committed to providing detailed information about their fees upfront, ensuring that clients understand exactly what they are paying for. This transparency helps build trust and allows organizations to budget more effectively for their payment processing needs.

Contract Terms

Contract Terms

Paperless Transactions Corporation has well-defined contract terms that potential clients need to grasp before using their services. These terms are organized in a way that offers transparency and details the responsibilities of all parties participating.

Standard contract length (three-year agreement)

PTC typically requires clients to enter into a standard contract length of three years. This long-term commitment ensures stability and continuity of services, allowing both PTC and the client to plan and implement their payment processing and fundraising strategies effectively.

Early termination fee of $250

For clients who need to terminate their contract before the agreed-upon period, PTC imposes an early termination fee of $250. This fee is designed to cover the administrative costs and potential losses incurred by PTC due to the premature ending of the contract.

Monthly fees, which can fluctuate up to $300

The monthly fees charged by PTC may fluctuate based on the services the client chooses to use. The fees may vary by as much as $300 monthly, based on the number of transactions and services needed. This flexible fee system gives clients the ability to adjust costs, but they must carefully track their usage to control expenses efficiently.

Additional contract terms

The contract also includes additional terms such as clauses for liquidated damages, which are financial penalties for specific breaches of contract. These may include conditions related to the processing of gift cards and other specific payment methods. Such clauses ensure that both parties adhere to agreed standards and provide a clear framework for resolving any issues that may arise during the contract period.

Understanding these contract terms is crucial for any organization considering PTC’s services, as it allows them to make informed decisions and manage their financial commitments effectively.

Customer Experience and Support

Paperless Transactions Corporation (PTC) has received varied feedback regarding its customer experience and support services. This section delves into common customer feedback, an analysis of the service quality, and the steps PTC has taken to address complaints and improve their offerings.

Common customer feedback

Many customers have praised PTC for its user-friendly interface and effective donor engagement tools. These features have been highlighted as particularly beneficial for nonprofits and faith-based organizations looking to streamline their fundraising processes and enhance donor interactions. Users appreciate the intuitive design and the ease with which they can manage donations and track donor information.

Nevertheless, there have been reports of unforeseen charges and unsatisfactory customer support. A few clients experienced unexpected fees that were not initially mentioned, resulting in unhappiness and financial difficulties. Furthermore, there have been reports of problems with the promptness of customer service, as some users have faced delays in getting help and fixing issues.

Analysis of customer service quality and responsiveness

The quality of customer service and responsiveness at PTC has been mixed based on customer reviews. While some users have found the support team helpful and knowledgeable, others have faced challenges in getting timely responses to their inquiries. This inconsistency can affect overall customer satisfaction and trust in the company.

Steps taken by PTC 

In response to the feedback, PTC has taken steps to improve its customer service. Efforts have been made to enhance the transparency of their fee structure, ensuring that clients are fully informed about potential charges. In addition, PTC has made investments in educating their support team to improve their ability to address customer questions and quickly resolve problems. These actions are focused on creating a support system that is more dependable and quick to respond, ultimately enhancing the customer experience.

By addressing these concerns, PTC strives to maintain its reputation as a dependable service provider and ensure higher levels of customer satisfaction.

Paperless Transactions Corporation (PTC) has taken significant steps to ensure compliance with industry standards and maintain a secure environment for its clients’ financial transactions. This section explores any notable lawsuits or legal issues, PTC’s adherence to industry regulations, and the measures implemented to enhance data security and prevent fraudulent activities.

PTC has generally maintained a clean legal record with no major lawsuits or significant legal disputes reported publicly. This indicates a stable and compliant operational history, which is crucial for building trust with clients and maintaining a strong reputation in the industry.

PTC’s compliance with industry standards and regulations

PTC follows different industry standards and regulations to guarantee top-notch service and security for its clients. The company is authorized as an ISO/MSP of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., demonstrating compliance with strict regulatory standards. Adhering to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is crucial for PTC’s operations, guaranteeing that all payment processing activities are done securely and following the best practices in the industry.

Measures taken to ensure data security and prevent fraudulent activities

PTC places a strong emphasis on data security and fraud prevention. The company employs robust security measures, including encryption and secure data repositories, to protect sensitive donor information. PTC’s secure gateway processing and credit card secure profiles further enhance the security of transactions. Additionally, PTC continuously monitors and updates its security protocols to stay ahead of potential threats and vulnerabilities.

PTC shows dedication to offering a secure and reliable environment for its clients by following strict compliance standards and putting in place thorough security measures. These actions work towards reducing the possibility of fraud and upholding the trustworthiness of the financial transactions conducted on its platform.

Pros and Cons

Paperless Transactions Corporation provides various benefits along with a few drawbacks that organizations need to take into account while selecting a payment processing and fundraising solution.


  • Customizable Solutions: PTC provides highly customizable software solutions tailored to the unique needs of each nonprofit or faith-based organization. This personalization allows clients to maximize their fundraising potential and better engage with their donors.
  • Integration Capabilities: PTC excels in integrating with various web and donor management software. This seamless integration ensures efficient data flow and simplifies donor management processes, making operations smoother and more efficient.
  • Real-Time Analytics: The platform provides sophisticated analytics tools that offer immediate insights into donor actions and campaign effectiveness. These tools assist organizations in making knowledgeable decisions and improving their fundraising strategies.
  • Comprehensive Service Suite: PTC offers a wide range of services, including event registration pages, church mobile applications, giving pages, text-to-donate capabilities, email receipting, and more. This comprehensive suite ensures that all fundraising needs are met within a single platform.
  • Positive Customer Feedback: Many users have praised PTC for its user-friendly interface and effective donor engagement tools. Positive reviews highlight the platform’s ability to enhance donor relationships and improve fundraising outcomes.


  • Unclear Pricing Structure: Some customers have reported confusion regarding PTC’s pricing structure, with unexpected fees being a common complaint. This lack of clarity can lead to budgeting challenges for organizations.
  • Customer Service Issues: There have been reports of inefficient customer service and delays in resolving problems quickly. Inconsistent customer service can impact the overall level of satisfaction and trust that users have in the company.
  • Contractual Obligations: PTC requires a standard three-year contract, which includes an early termination fee of $250. This long-term commitment and associated fees may not be suitable for all organizations.
  • Limited Transparency: Some aspects of PTC’s operations, such as detailed information about pricing and company policies, lack transparency. This can create uncertainty for potential clients and hinder informed decision-making.

Through carefully evaluating the advantages and disadvantages, companies can more effectively determine if PTC aligns with their requirements for fundraising and payment processing.

Comparison with Competitors

When evaluating Paperless Transactions Corporation (PTC) against other fundraising and payment processing software providers, it is important to consider the specific strengths and weaknesses that distinguish it from competitors like Blackbaud, Qgiv, and MobileCause.

Strengths of PTC:

  • Customization: PTC excels in providing highly customizable solutions tailored to the specific needs of faith-based and nonprofit organizations. This allows clients to personalize their fundraising strategies and enhance donor engagement.
  • Integration Capabilities: PTC provides smooth integration with different donor management and web software, facilitating organizations in efficiently managing their data and fundraising initiatives.
  • Real-Time Analytics: The platform’s advanced analytics tools provide real-time insights into donor behavior, enabling organizations to make data-driven decisions and optimize their fundraising efforts.
  • Comprehensive Service Suite: PTC provides a wide array of services, including event registration pages, church mobile applications, and text-to-donate capabilities, ensuring that all aspects of fundraising are covered.

Weaknesses of PTC:

  • Unclear Pricing Structure: Compared to competitors, PTC has received criticism for its confusing pricing and unexpected fees, which can be a drawback for organizations trying to manage their budgets effectively.
  • Customer Service Issues: PTC is known for their unreliable customer service, as some customers have experienced delays and unhelpful support, while competitors such as Blackbaud are frequently commended for their dependable customer service.
  • Contractual Obligations: PTC’s requirement for a standard three-year contract with an early termination fee may not be as flexible as the offerings from competitors like Qgiv, which provide more adaptable contract terms.

Relative Strengths and Weaknesses:

  • Blackbaud: Known for its robust feature set and comprehensive solutions for large nonprofits, Blackbaud offers extensive tools for donor management and analytics. However, it can be more expensive and complex, which might not suit smaller organizations as well as PTC’s more tailored approach.
  • Qgiv: Qgiv is well-known for its easy-to-use interface and customizable contract terms. Even though it has competitive pricing and strong customer support, its features may not be as comprehensive as PTC’s, particularly for the specific requirements of faith-based organizations.
  • MobileCause: MobileCause is strong in mobile giving and engagement tools, with a focus on text-to-donate and mobile campaigns. While it provides excellent tools for mobile engagement, PTC offers a more extensive suite of services that cover broader fundraising needs.

In summary, PTC stands out for its customization and comprehensive service offerings but faces challenges with pricing transparency and customer service. When compared to competitors like Blackbaud, Qgiv, and MobileCause, PTC’s strengths lie in its tailored solutions and integration capabilities, while its weaknesses include contract flexibility and customer support issues.

Case Studies and Testimonials

Paperless Transactions Corporation (PTC) has been instrumental in helping various organizations enhance their fundraising efforts and streamline donation processes. Real-life examples and testimonials from satisfied clients highlight the tangible benefits and improvements achieved through PTC’s services.

Chris Railey, Sr. Director Leadership/Church Development at The General Council of the Assemblies of God:

  • “The General Council of the Assemblies utilizes Paperless for a Custom Mobile App.”

Jason Exley, Lead Pastor at Life Church:

  • “Life Church utilizes Paperless for online giving, Text2Donate & Mass SMS Campaigns, Custom Mobile App, Event Registration, and Check Scanning.”

Brian Henley, Lead Pastor at Bethany Assembly:

  • “Bethany Assembly utilizes Paperless for Custom Mobile App, Online Giving, and Text2Donate.”

Brad Novosad, Great Plains Chi-Alpha:

  • “Great Plains Chi-Alpha utilizes Paperless for Event Registration and Online Giving.”

Sam Farina, Founder & CEO at AG Coaching & Sam Farina Ministries:

  • “AG Coaching & Sam Farina Ministries utilizes Paperless for a Custom Mobile App.”

Jamie Bell, Executive Pastor at The Caring Place:

“The Caring Place utilizes Paperless for a Custom Mobile App, Online Giving, and Text2Donate.”

The case studies and testimonials demonstrate how PTC’s services improve fundraising strategies and operational efficiencies for nonprofits and faith-based organizations, leading to overall success and mission achievement.


Selecting the correct payment processing provider is essential for the success of every nonprofit or faith-based group. Make sure to do extensive research and evaluate Paperless Transactions Corporation for its customizable options, wide range of services, and positive reviews from customers. Being well-informed can greatly improve your fundraising effectiveness and connection with donors.

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